Default trigger keyword gen
Enter the first few characters of the command, matching commands will be shown automatically, use Tab to switch between options and Enter to choose. This will become handy when the coomand is long.
guid [u]
Generate a GUID, by default the result will be in lower case with 4 styles.
Optional parameter
for generate GUID in all caps
uuid [u]
Refer to guid
rand [[max]|[min max]]
Generates a random integer, by default between 0 (inclusive) and 100 (exclusive)
Optional parameter
Specifed maximum value, the upper bound of the range, exclusive.min max
Specified min and max value, the number generated will be in range [min, max).
roll [[max]|[min max]]
Refer to rand
unixtime [unix_timestamp]
Conver the current time to Unix timestamp or covert the unix timestamp to date and time.
Optional parameter
The Unix timestamp to be converted to date and time
timestamp [unix_timestamp]
Refer to unixtime
encodebase64 text
Encode the content entered to Base64.
Required parameter
Plain text to encode
decodebase64 base64
Decode the content enter from Base64
Required parameter
Base64 content to decode
- Localization
- English KevinSJ
- Basic icons from Alibaba icon resources