- This vagrant script will build a VM with 5 docker instances of postgres 9.6 citusdb.
- clone this repo
- cd into the directory made after you have cloned
- execute at shell: vagrant up
- After finish run: vagrant ssh --> to set your password
- It will boot you off the server so: vagrant ssh --> again
- run: docker ps --> You should see all instances of postgres running
- run: psql -h localhost -U postgres -c "SELECT * FROM master_get_active_worker_nodes();"
- node_name | node_port
- -----------+-----------
- localhost | 5434
- localhost | 5436
- localhost | 5433
- localhost | 5435
- (4 rows)
- IP:
- user: ubuntu password: whatever you set
- The master is port forwarded to 5432.
- Workers are port fowarded to 5433,5434,5435,5436
- You should be able to connect with: Usr:docker pwd:docker