The locale files used by Hypera Development's Axolotl Discord bot.
Note: This Go module is not designed for use in other software, and its use is not supported.
Axolotl is the Discord bot used by Hypera Development to run our Discord servers.
In order to make Axolotl super helpful, we have decided to support multiple locales so that users can easily understand
and interact with Axolotl.
This module (
) contains the translatable locale files used by Axolotl to display messages
in Discord.
The current supported locales are:
We welcome all contributions! If you have found a mistake or something that can be improved, please feel free to contribute! If you would like to contribute to this project, please see our contributing guide.
We are also looking to translate messages into more languages as well. If you know a language that Axolotl does not currently support, please contribute translations so that we can reach more people who know your language!
The content of the locale files (specifically in locales/
) are available
under Creative Commons BY 4.0, except where otherwise stated.
The other code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License.
You can contact us in our official Discord server (fastest) or by emailing us at [email protected].
We are extremely grateful to the amazing individuals who have contributed translations, improvements, fixes and more! Thank you! :D