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noteed committed Mar 18, 2024
1 parent f9c0154 commit be1c29e
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Showing 5 changed files with 57 additions and 37 deletions.
25 changes: 7 additions & 18 deletions src/Curiosity/Interpret.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,37 +47,26 @@ import System.FilePath.Glob qualified as Glob

-- | Interpret a script.
run :: P.Conf -> User.UserName -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO ExitCode
run conf user scriptPath withFinal = do
runtime <- Rt.bootConf conf Rt.NoThreads >>= either throwIO pure
run :: Rt.Runtime -> User.UserName -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO ExitCode
run runtime user scriptPath withFinal = do
(code, output) <- interpret runtime user scriptPath
Rt.powerdown runtime
when withFinal $ print output
exitWith code

runNoTrace :: P.Conf -> User.UserName -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO ExitCode
runNoTrace conf user scriptPath withFinal = do
runtime <- Rt.bootConf conf Rt.NoThreads >>= either throwIO pure
runNoTrace :: Rt.Runtime -> User.UserName -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO ExitCode
runNoTrace runtime user scriptPath withFinal = do
output <- interpretFile' runtime user scriptPath 0
Rt.powerdown runtime
when withFinal $ print output

-- | Similar to `run`, but capturing the output, and logging elsewhere
-- than normally: this is used in tests and in the `/scenarios` handler.
run' :: FilePath -> IO [Trace]
run' scriptPath = do
let conf =
{ P._confLogging = P.noLoggingConf
, -- P.mkLoggingConf "/tmp/cty-serve-explore.log"
-- TOOD Multiple concurrent calls to the same log file
-- end up with
-- RuntimeException openFile: resource busy (file is locked)
P._confDbFile = Nothing
runtime <- Rt.bootConf conf Rt.NoThreads >>= either throwIO pure
run' :: Rt.Runtime -> FilePath -> IO [Trace]
run' runtime scriptPath = do
output <- interpretFile runtime "system" scriptPath 0
-- TODO the boot/powerdone should be done in a withRuntime or similar.
Rt.powerdown runtime
pure output

Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/Curiosity/Run.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,16 +101,18 @@ run (Command.CommandWithTarget (Command.Sock conf) target _) = do
run (Command.CommandWithTarget (Command.Run conf scriptPath runOutput) target (Command.User user)) =
case target of
Command.MemoryTarget ->
Command.MemoryTarget -> do
runtime <- Rt.bootConf conf Rt.NoThreads >>= either throwIO pure
let Command.RunOutput withTraces withFinal = runOutput
in if withTraces
then conf user scriptPath withFinal
else Interpret.runNoTrace conf user scriptPath withFinal
Command.StateFileTarget path ->
then runtime user scriptPath withFinal
else Interpret.runNoTrace runtime user scriptPath withFinal
Command.StateFileTarget path -> do
runtime <- Rt.bootConf conf {P._confDbFile = Just path} Rt.NoThreads >>= either throwIO pure
let Command.RunOutput withTraces withFinal = runOutput
in if withTraces
then conf {P._confDbFile = Just path} user scriptPath withFinal
else Interpret.runNoTrace conf {P._confDbFile = Just path} user scriptPath withFinal
then runtime user scriptPath withFinal
else Interpret.runNoTrace runtime user scriptPath withFinal
Command.UnixDomainTarget _ -> do
putStrLn @Text "TODO"
Expand Down
34 changes: 26 additions & 8 deletions src/Curiosity/Runtime/IO.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Curiosity.Runtime.IO
( -- * managing runtimes: boot, shutdown etc.
, bootForTests
, bootDbAndLogFile
, instantiateDb
, readDb
Expand All @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ import Commence.Runtime.Errors qualified as Errs
import Control.Concurrent.STM qualified as STM
import Control.Lens
import Curiosity.Core qualified as Core
import Curiosity.Parse qualified as Command
import Curiosity.Parse qualified as Parse
import Curiosity.Runtime.Error qualified as RErr
import Curiosity.Runtime.Type
import Curiosity.Types.Store qualified as Store
Expand All @@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
-- | Boot up a runtime.
:: MonadIO m
=> Command.Conf
=> Parse.Conf
-- ^ configuration to bootConf with.
-> Threads
-> m (Either Errs.RuntimeErr Runtime)
Expand All @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ bootConf _rConf _rThreads =
( try @SomeException
. ML.makeDefaultLoggersWithConf
$ _rConf
^. Command.confLogging
^. Parse.confLogging
>>= \case
Left loggerErrs ->
Expand All @@ -55,11 +56,28 @@ bootConf _rConf _rThreads =
Left err -> Left err
Right _rDb -> Right Runtime {..}

-- | Create a specific runtime with capturing the output, and logging elsewhere
-- than normally: this is used in tests and in the `/scenarios` handler.
:: MonadIO m
=> m (Either Errs.RuntimeErr Runtime)
bootForTests = do
let conf =
{ Parse._confLogging = Parse.noLoggingConf
, -- P.mkLoggingConf "/tmp/cty-serve-explore.log"
-- TOOD Multiple concurrent calls to the same log file
-- end up with
-- RuntimeException openFile: resource busy (file is locked)
Parse._confDbFile = Nothing
bootConf conf NoThreads

-- | Create a runtime from a given state.
bootDbAndLogFile :: MonadIO m => Store.HaskDb -> FilePath -> m Runtime
bootDbAndLogFile db logsPath = do
let loggingConf = Command.mkLoggingConf logsPath
_rConf = Command.defaultConf {Command._confLogging = loggingConf}
let loggingConf = Parse.mkLoggingConf logsPath
_rConf = Parse.defaultConf {Parse._confLogging = loggingConf}
_rDb <- liftIO . STM.atomically $ Core.instantiateStmDb db
_rLoggers <- ML.makeDefaultLoggersWithConf loggingConf
let _rThreads = NoThreads
Expand All @@ -75,9 +93,9 @@ bootDbAndLogFile db logsPath = do
:: forall m
. MonadIO m
=> Command.Conf
=> Parse.Conf
-> m (Either Errs.RuntimeErr Core.StmDb)
instantiateDb Command.Conf {..} = readDbSafe _confDbFile
instantiateDb Parse.Conf {..} = readDbSafe _confDbFile

:: forall m
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,7 +175,7 @@ powerdown runtime@Runtime {..} = do

saveDb :: MonadIO m => Runtime -> m (Maybe Errs.RuntimeErr)
saveDb runtime =
maybe (pure Nothing) (saveDbAs runtime) $ _rConf runtime ^. Command.confDbFile
maybe (pure Nothing) (saveDbAs runtime) $ _rConf runtime ^. Parse.confDbFile

saveDbAs :: MonadIO m => Runtime -> FilePath -> m (Maybe Errs.RuntimeErr)
saveDbAs runtime fpath = do
Expand Down
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions src/Curiosity/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2991,7 +2991,9 @@ handleRun path authResult (Data.Command cmd) =
partialScenarioState :: ServerC m => FilePath -> FilePath -> Int -> m Html
partialScenarioState scenariosDir name nbr = do
let path = scenariosDir </> name <> ".txt"
ts <- liftIO $' path
ts <- liftIO $ do
runtime <- Rt.bootForTests >>= either throwIO pure' runtime path
let ts' = Interpret.flatten ts
db = Interpret.traceState $ ts' !! nbr -- TODO Proper input validation
pure . H.code . H.pre . H.text $ show db
Expand All @@ -3004,7 +3006,9 @@ partialScenarioStateAsJson
-> m (JP.PrettyJSON '[ 'JP.DropNulls] HaskDb)
partialScenarioStateAsJson scenariosDir name nbr = do
let path = scenariosDir </> name <> ".txt"
ts <- liftIO $' path
ts <- liftIO $ do
runtime <- Rt.bootForTests >>= either throwIO pure' runtime path
let ts' = Interpret.flatten ts
db = Interpret.traceState $ ts' !! nbr -- TODO Proper input validation
pure $ JP.PrettyJSON db
Expand All @@ -3017,7 +3021,9 @@ partialScenarioStateAsSvg
-> m Text
partialScenarioStateAsSvg scenariosDir name nbr = do
let path = scenariosDir </> name <> ".txt"
ts <- liftIO $' path
ts <- liftIO $ do
runtime <- Rt.bootForTests >>= either throwIO pure' runtime path
let ts' = Interpret.flatten ts
db = Interpret.traceState $ ts' !! nbr -- TODO Proper input validation
liftIO $ Graph.graphSvg db
Expand All @@ -3039,7 +3045,9 @@ partialScenariosAsJson = listScenarioNames
partialScenario :: ServerC m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m Html
partialScenario scenariosDir name = do
let path = scenariosDir </> name <> ".txt"
ts <- liftIO $' path
ts <- liftIO $ do
runtime <- Rt.bootForTests >>= either throwIO pure' runtime path
let ts' = Interpret.flatten ts
pure $ do
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion tests/Curiosity/Runner.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Curiosity.DataSpec qualified
import Curiosity.DslSpec qualified
import Curiosity.Interpret qualified as Interpret
import Curiosity.RunSpec qualified
import Curiosity.Runtime qualified as Runtime
import Curiosity.RuntimeSpec qualified
import CuriositySpec qualified
import Data.Text qualified as T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,6 +50,8 @@ mkGoldenTest path = do
pure $ Silver.goldenVsAction testName goldenPath action convert
action :: IO [Text]
action = snd . Interpret.formatOutput <$>' path
action = do
runtime <- Runtime.bootForTests >>= either throwIO pure
snd . Interpret.formatOutput <$>' runtime path

convert = T.unlines

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