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hzqmwne committed Feb 3, 2018
1 parent 27a89de commit cc32b44
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Showing 21 changed files with 1,145 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions
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### SJTU SE302 编译原理与技术(Principle and Technology of Compiler)
##### 《Modern Compiler Implementation in C》中的Tiger编译器
lab1:Straight-line program interpreter(直线式程序解释器)
lab2:Lexical Analysis(词法分析)
lab3:Syntax Analysis(语法分析)
final_tiger:Final Test for lab2 and lab3(对lab2和lab3的深度测试)
lab4:Type Checking(类型检查)
lab5:Intermediate Code(中间代码生成)
lab6:A Workable Tiger Compiler(可用的tiger编译器)
#### Usage:
cd lab6

./tiger-compiler hello.tig

gcc -Wl,--wrap,getchar -m32 hello.tig.s runtime.c -o hello.out


1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions final_tiger/
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Final Test,仅针对lab2和lab3
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lab1/
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### Lab1 Straight-line program interpreter
正式项目开始前的热身。熟悉c语言、递归、树、键值对存储,了解无副作用编程(without side effects,除了初始化以外不使用赋值语句)

int maxargs(A_stm stm):统计给定语句及其子表达式中参数最多的print语句的参数个数
void interp(A_stm stm):对给定的语句进行解释执行
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions lab1/
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<span class="MainTitle">Compilers</span>
<span class="SubTitle">2017</span>

<div id="content">

<li><font color="red">Prohibit plagiarism!</font></li>
<li>Uploading the lab: you must use <font color="red">`make handin`</font> provided by the Makefile and change the file name with your student ID.</li>
<li>You will get <font color="red">0 point</font> if missing the deadline.</li>

<h2>Lab1 Straight-line program interpreter</h2>
<b>Due:</b> Sep 17, 12:00, 2017 <font color="red">At noon!</font></br>
If you have any problem about this lab, please contact TA

In this lab you will implement a simple straight-line program interpreter for the programming language described in <b>chapter 1</b> of your text book. Please read it carefully before you start.
This lab serves as an introduction to:
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<b>environments</b> (symbol tables mapping variable-names to information about the variables)
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<b>abstract syntax</b> (data structures representing the phrase structure of programs)
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<b>recursion over tree data structures</b> (which is useful in many parts of a compiler)

<p> Please pay attention to the following things: </p>
<p>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspWrite the interpreter <b>without side effects</b> (Please read your text book carefully)</p>

<h2>Getting started</h2>
Download the orginal environment <a href="">here</a>.
Hint: You should first have a quick all the files. You must <font color="red">put all your implementation</font> in the file called `myimpl.c`. Do not modify other files!
$ tar -xf lab1.tar.gz
$ cd lab1


We've provided a script file called <b></b> for testing. After programming, try running:
$ ./
[^_^]: Pass
The smiling face implies that you have passed all the test points. <b></b> compares your output with <b>ref.txt</b>, so if there's something wrong with your answer, you can check the content in <b>ref.txt</b>.

<h2>Handin procedure</h2>
Submit your code to TA. You should archive your code as a gzipped tar file with the following command before submission:
$ cd lab1
$ make handin
$ change the name of tar to: e.g. 5150379000.tar.gz (Do not add other characters!)
You will receive full credit if your code passes the test in <b></b> and your interpreter is a '<b>without side effect</b>' interpreter.
We will use the timestamp of your <b>last</b> submission for the purpose of calculating late days.

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions lab1/note.txt
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关于without side effects,书上有详细的说明
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lab2/
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### Lab2 Lexical Analysis

121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions lab2/
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<body onload="on_resize()" onclick="on_resize()">
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<span class="MainTitle">Compilers</span>
<span class="SubTitle">2017</span>

<div id="content">
<h2>Lab2 Lexical Analysis</h2>
<b>Due:</b> Oct 7, 12:00 a.m, 2017 <font color="red">At noon!</font></br>

<h2><font color="red">Update</font></h2>
<a href="">Here</a> are the two new testcases (test50.out and test51.out). Please copy them into directory named "refs".

In this lab you will implement a lexical analyzer for the Tiger language with Lex. Please read <b>chapter 2</b> of your textbook carefully before you start.

<h2>Getting started</h2>
Download the orginal environment <a href="">here</a>.
$ tar -xf lab2.tar.gz
$ cd ~/lab2

0. You are only allowed to modify <b>tiger.lex</b> exclude the first several lines.
1. This lab is the first step to build our tiger compiler. So you should <b>carefully manage</b> your code including the following labs. For example, using GIT or cloud storage.

2. We recommend using <b>states</b> to handle comments (please refer to page 32-33 in the text book). Specifically, tiger language allows <b>nested comments</b>.
This one is legal:
/* This is comment. /*nested comment*/*/
While this one is illegal:
/* This is comment. /*nested comment*/

3. When handing an "ID", you should use <b>"String"</b> function to allocate the object.

4. Besides, you should turn in <b>documentation</b> for the following points:
<li> how you handle comments
<li> how you handle strings
<li> error handling
<li> end-of-file handling
<li> other interesting features of your lexer
Send your <b>documentation</b> to <b>TA </b> with the name of `studentID_name_lab2_document.pdf`

<b>Warning:</b> Before testing, please make sure that your compiler generates no warnings. Our testing environment might be different from yours, so warnings may be evil sometimes. Watch out!

We've provided a script file called <b></b> for testing. After programming, try running:
$ ./
[^_^]: Pass
The smiling face implies that you have passed all the test on Tiger code files in <b>/testcases</b>. <b></b> compares your output with the files in <b>/refs</b>, so if there's something wrong with your answer, you can check the content in <b>/refs</b>.

<h2>Final Test</h2>
Since our tiger compiler is built step by step, there may exist some hidden bugs in current step.
Therefore, we provide a final test for uncovering potentail bugs. </br>
Although this test does not affect your score of this lab, it can help you find bugs as early as possible.
In case of some compatible issues, we provide a virutal machine (runs on VMware) for the final test. </br>
It is <b>not</b> necessary to coding inside the VM (Nevertheless, it has a workable environment.)
You can download it from <a href="">JBox</a>. VM user: tmac ; password: 123
For testing,
$ copy tiger.lex into VM at first
$ cp tiger.lex ~/final-tiger
$ cd final-tiger
$ ./

<h2>Handin procedure</h2>
Submit your code to TA. You should archive your code as a gzipped tar file with the following command before submission:
$ cd lab2
$ make handin
$ change the name of tar to: e.g. 5150379000.tar.gz (Do not add other characters!)
You will receive full credit if your code passes the test in <b></b> when running on our machines. We will use the timestamp of your <b>last</b> submission for the purpose of calculating late days.
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions lab2/note.txt
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\n 换行符
\t 制表符Tab
\^c 控制字符c
\ddd 具有ASCII码ddd(3个十进制数字)的单个字符
\" 双引号字符(")
\\ 反斜线字符(\)
\f___f\ 此序列将被忽略,其中f___f代表一个或多个以上的格式化字符


注意lab2中对长度为0的字符串返回NULL指针而不是空字符串,这只是为了同时通过lab2测试和final test。在lab3及以后,这里返回的是空字符串而非空指针
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%s\n", NULL); // ----------> 产生segmentation fault
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%s", NULL); // -----> 打印出(NULL)
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
puts(NULL); // ----------> 产生segmentation fault
return 0;
(以上是在linux平台,gcc 5.4.0 使用 -O0 参数编译运行的结果)
objdump -d 反汇编的结果对程序一和程序三完全相同



lab2提供了final test,用以检验词法分析器能否通过最终的测试。后续lab将要完成的内容在这里以.o文件的形式提供。
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lab3/
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
### Lab3 Syntax Analysis


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