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OpenAI-compatible Assistants API backed by Bee Agent Framework

Getting started


🚀 The fastest way to setup Bee (UI + API) is through Bee Stack.

  1. Create .env (from .env.example) and fill in values.
  2. Run pnpm install to install dependencies.
  3. Start the server with pnpm start:dev


Architecture overview

The Assistants API consists mostly of CRUDL endpoints for managing API resources like assistants, threads, runs and more. Furthermore, some resources are asynchronous in a sense that they contain status changing over time as the background execution progresses. Clients use polling or streaming to watch for status updates of such resources.


The infrastructure consists of:

  • REST API server
  • MongoDB
  • Redis

The REST API server stores resources in MongoDB database. Redis is used by BullMQ, rate limiter and as pub/sub broker for event streaming. Agent execution is performed by the Bee Agent Framework using various adapters for inference and embeddings.


The codebase contains several types of modules:

  • *.modules.ts containing endpoint handlers
  • *.services.ts containing services for the handlers
  • dtos/*.ts containing JSON schema definitions for resources
  • *.entity.ts containing ORM definitions for database entities
  • *.queue.ts containing BullMQ queues and workers for asynchronous execution

These modules are connected in the following manner

module ---> dto
       ---> service ---> entity
                    ---> queue ---> entity

OpenAPI schema is auto-generated from the dtos and exposed on the /docs endpoint.

Starting the bee-api infrastructure

The easiest way to run all the dependencies for the bee-api is to:

./ clean
./ start:infra
  • Then navigate back to the bee-api repository.
  • Install packages:
pnpm install
  • When running for the first time seed the database:
pnpm mikro-orm seeder:run
  • copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
  • Add values the env vars: CRYPTO_CIPHER_KEY, AI_BACKEND and API key for which ever provider you have chosen.

  • Run the bee-api:

pnpm start:dev