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[PRE-Alpha] This repository contains the beeai platform which is still under a rapid development. Please treat it as highly experimental and expect breaking changes often. Reach out on discord if you'd like to contribute or get involved in the discussions: join discord


The BeeAI CLI can be installed through Homebrew (on both Mac and Linux), and also from PyPI.

We recommend Homebrew since it supports background service management -- you won't need to keep the server running in a terminal window.


Install BeeAI CLI with:

brew install i-am-bee/beeai/beeai # run once to install
brew services start beeai # run once to enable service

If you want Arize Phoenix, install it with:

brew install i-am-bee/beeai/arize-phoenix # run once to install
brew services start arize-phoenix # run once to enable service

The services for beeai and arize-phoenix will continue to run in the background and restart with your device. Run brew services list to see their status.



Since Python stopped supporting global pip installations, we recommend using pipx -- it can be installed from your OS's package manager. (You may also create a virtual environment and use regular pip to install there, but in that case the beeai command will only be available in that environment.)

Install BeeAI CLI with:

pipx install beeai-cli # run once to install
beeai serve # keep running in a separate terminal

If you want Arize Phoenix, install it with:

pipx install arize-phoenix # run once to install
phoenix serve # keep running in a separate terminal

This variant does not manage background services -- the beeai serve and phoenix serve commands need to be kept running in order to use the platform.

Development setup


This project uses Mise-en-place as a manager of tool versions (python, uv, nodejs, pnpm etc.), as well as a task runner and environment manager. Mise will download all the needed tools automatically -- you don't need to install them yourself.

Clone this project, then run these setup steps:

brew install mise  # more ways to install:
mise trust
mise install

After setup, you can use:

  • mise run to list tasks and select one interactively to run
  • mise <task-name> to run a task
  • mise x -- <command> to run a project tool -- for example mise x -- uv add <package>


If you want to run tools directly without the mise x -- prefix, you need to activate a shell hook:

  • Bash: eval "$(mise activate bash)" (add to ~/.bashrc to make permanent)
  • Zsh: eval "$(mise activate zsh)" (add to ~/.zshrc to make permanent)
  • Fish: mise activate fish | source (add to ~/.config/fish/ to make permanent)
  • Other shells: documentation


Edit [env] in mise.local.toml in the project root (documentation). Run mise setup if you don't see the file.


To run BeeAI components in development mode (ensuring proper rebuilding), use the following commands.


# remove existing providers (due to breaking changes during rapid development)
rm -f ~/.beeai/providers.yaml

mise beeai-server:run
# (keep it running, open another terminal for next steps)


# add official framework provider 
mise beeai-cli:run -- provider add file://agents/official/beeai-framework/beeai-provider.yaml

# tools
mise beeai-cli:run -- tool list
mise beeai-cli:run -- tool call fetch '{"url": ""}'

# agents
mise beeai-cli:run -- agent list
mise beeai-cli:run -- agent run website_summarizer "summarize"


# run the UI development server:
mise beeai-ui:run

# UI is also available from beeai-server (in static mode):
mise beeai-server:run


Delta updates of agent output

Agents send updates with delta, which is a subset JSON document of their output schema. deltas can be combined to obtain the in-progress output object, usually to display it in the UI. The merging algorithm is designed to allow for incremental-only changes in the resulting JSON.

The rules for applying a delta to an existing in-progress output JSON are, where output + delta => new_output denotest the combining operation:

  • Different types can't combine (1 + ["hello"] => ERROR).
  • Numbers combine by addition (1 + 2 => 3)
  • Strings combine by joining ("hello" + "there" => "hellothere")
  • Objects combine by merging and combining values in common keys ({a: 1, b: "hello"} + {b: "world", c: 2} => {a: 1, b: "helloworld", c: 2})
  • Combining a value with null results in the value (value + null => value, null + value => value)
  • Combining an empty array with a maybe-non-empty array results in the maybe-non-empty array (array + [] => array, [] + array => array)
    • Exception: When output is [] | null | undefined and the first element of delta is null, it is dropped: [] + [null, "general", "Kenobi"] => ["general", "Kenobi"] -- this is to ensure that appending to an array can be done without the knowledge of whether the array is currently empty or not
  • Non-empty arrays combine by combining the last element of output array with the first element of delta array, and appending the rest of the elements.
    • ["hello", "there"] + ["general", "Kenobi"] => ["hello", "theregeneral", "Kenobi"]
    • ["hello", "there"] + [null, "general", "Kenobi"] => ["hello", "there", "general", "Kenobi"]
    • [] + ["general", "Kenobi"] => ["general", "Kenobi"]
    • [] + [null, "general", "Kenobi"] => ["general", "Kenobi"]