Instagram (night)crawler.
go get -u -v
go install
# Add $GOPATH/bin to $PATH env var in bashrc
# Uncomment the following line.
# echo 'PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin/ export PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
You can just use go get -u -v
After compile it you can start it using command parameters.
$ icrawler -h
Usage of icrawler:
-d string
Instagram database (default "./instagram.db")
-g int
Telegram chat id
-l string
Log file (default "./icrawler.log")
-n string
Telegram bot api id
-o string
Output directory or storing directory (default "./files")
-t string
Targets file (default "./targets")
-u uint
Update time in minutes (default 5)
You must use -u
and -n
parameters. To know your ID use @userinfobot
$ icrawler -n "{You bot API key}" -g {Your user id} -u 5 & disown
Bot can be stopped using SIGINT signal. Try this:
$ pkill -2 icrawler
Targets file can be modified during bot running. You can just add new user executing
$ echo 'my_girlfriend/boyfriend_profile' >> targets
Any target of file can be followed by:
- 'f': Does not store and send followers notification.
- 'w': Does not store and send following notification.
- 'm': Does not store and send media.
- 's': Does not store and send stories.
- 'p': Does not store and send profile changes.
- 'h': Does not store and send highlights.
- 'n': Only store and send new media.
elonmusk f w # do not store followers and following