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i3-Market Verifiable Credential Service

The service for issuing, verifying and revoking W3C Verifiable Credential in i3-Market. You can find the detailed documentation about the service here.

Table of contents

Project requirements

The following programs and libraries are required to be able to perform all subsequent instructions.

To check that everything is fine, you should see the following commands working:

$ npm -v
$ node -v
$ ts-node -v
$ nvm --version

WARNING: In case some packages are missing, you can install them using the npm i <PACKAGE_NAME> command

Cloning the project

Clone the repository with Git

$ git clone [email protected]:i3-market/code/wp3/t3.1-self-sovereign-identity-and-access-management/verifiable-credentials.git
$ cd verifiable-credentials

Initial environment configuration

Create a and a .env file and configure the service using the environmental variables defined in the template.env file.

WARNING: Paths should be relative to the app directory

You can run the project in development in two ways: directly through Node.js or using Docker. Both modes are described below.

Local development using Node.js

To run the service locally using Node.js it is necessary to download it before. After that you can install the dependencies and start the service in the following way:

$ cd verifiable-credentials/app
$ npm i
$ npm start

You have also to update the configuration file app/src/config.ts before running the service. Specifically, it is necessary to fill the default environment variables, in the same way they are filled in the env file.

Local development using docker

To startup the project in development way using docker you have to run the following command in the project root. The first time it will take a while (be patience), since it has to build images and download all the npm dependencies.


The OAS documentation can be accessed on http://localhost:4200/release2/vc/api-spec/ui.

You can stop the container at any time with Ctrl-C.

If you want to delete and prune all the created images, containers, networks, volumes, just run


Since the app directory is shared with the docker container with mapped user permissions, you can just edit any files in the app directory locally. The container will be running ts-node and nodemon to directly execute the source code and refresh the server if any file has changed. You can also attach any debugger in your local machine to the container, which will be listening at default port 9229.

Development scripts in the docker container

Since npm and node are likely to be needed, if your OS allows you to execute shell scripts inside the docker container, you can just also use the npm and node scripts provided for convenience.

$ ./npm -v
$ ./node -v

Building the production image

You can build the production docker image using the helpers provided in this repository:

# Build the image to work locally

# Build and push the image into the gitlab registry

Production deployment

To deploy this service in a server it is just necessary to copy the docker-compose.yaml and vc.env files in a server directory and run the following command:

$ docker-compose up

The docker-compose will pull the production image directly from the i3-Market Gitlab container registry. You need to have a valid Gitlab access to pull it.

Wallet integration

This service is integrated with the i3-Market Wallet desktop application, downloadable from the i3-Market Nexus repository or from Github. For information on how to pair the wallet with the service once running, see the instructions here.

Usage and documentations

The documentation is available on the i3-Market development portal.