Http constants for mime-types, headers, tracking-statuses, methods, content-encodings, csp, response codes and cache-control instructions
Provides standard and common non-standard http headers, mime-types, methods, content codings, response statuses, CSP directives and sources, cache-control instructions and tracking statuses.
All headers are capitalized, hence Access-Control-Request-Method
All mime-types are lowercase, hence video/mpeg
All content codings are lowercase, hence deflate
All methods are uppercase, hence POST
All response codes are integer numbers, hence 404
All Cache-Control instructions are lowercase, hence min-fresh
All CSP directives and sources are lowercase, hence unsafe-eval
Key names constructed from uppercase values, -
, +
and .
substituted with _
, hence
Headers.STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY //Strict-Transport-Security
MimeTypes.Application.XOP_XML //application/xop+xml
MimeTypes.Model.X3D_VRML //model/x3d+vrml
ContentEncodings.X_GZIP //x-gzip
MimeTypes.Image.VND_WAP_WBMP //image/vnd.wap.wbmp
ResponseCodes.I_AM_A_TEAPOT //418
CacheControls.MAX_AGE //max-age
CSPS.UNSAFE_EVAL //unsafe-eval
Install local
npm install http-constants-ts --save
Available at the moment
- Headers - headers
- TrackingStatuses - tracking statuses
- Methods - http methods
- ContentEncodings - http content coding registry
- ResponseCodes - response codes
- CacheControls - Cache-Control instructions
- CSPD - CSP directives
- CSPS - some CSP source values
- MimeTypes - yes, mime types, fair and square
No additional dependencies for production.
Missing constants? Issues? Please feel free to extend / create a pull request.
Best regards iDschepe
Thanks to / forked from