- What do I want to say with this page? What's its purpose?
- What's the target audience? Friends/family? Employers? Groupies?
- Is this a professional page, a portfolio? Just for fun, a design playground?
- What do I want to actually put on it? Suggestions:
- Links to things you've made (photos, videos, class projects)
- Yet another blog
- A self intro, with links to how to contact you (FB, Github, etc.)
- Be as specific as you can here
- What's the look and feel of it? Minimalist? Intricate? Goth?
- You'll do a lot more of this when we start thinking about CSS.
- Will you use images? Icons? From where?
- Do some research! Look at other sites for inspiration.
- http://onepagelove.com/gallery/personal
- Check out the resources page for more.
You'll be using HTML and CSS, but as you think about your layout, you might want to start thinking about logical sections of the page (header, footer, sidebar—if you want any of these things), and how you might structure those with HTML.