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Releases: iSnow/xcelite


07 Nov 19:18
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1.3.0 (Link to github)

  • Added anyColumnCreatesCollection option to allow @AnyColum to switch between two behaviors (for BeanSheetReaders only) if an Excel sheet contains more than one column with the same column name:
    • false (default for versions <2.0): like in previous versions, only the last column value is returned, ie. if your sheet has three columns named "project name" that are part of an @AnyColum set, only the value of the last (right-most) column will be returned
    • true: (default for version 2.0 and up): all column values in @AnyColum sets are returned as Collections, so that no data is lost
  • Big refactoring of SheetReader and SheetWriter subclasses to use common code bases
  • Some additional tests, esp. for Writers

Cleanup release

23 Apr 20:17
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Mostly just updated dependencies and integrated a couple pull requests to the abandoned eBay-repo to carry the project on.

Find stable releases here:

Most important changes

  • Java version is now set to 8 (might still compile for 6)
  • Added ProjectLombok as dependency to replace the try/catch blocks that convert checked exceptions to runtime-exceptions with the @SneakyThrows annotation from Lombok.