hello world run script ./ sh // comment single line and multiple line declare variable ,declare constant and print concatenate varaible variable should be declared and shouldnt be updated after declaration it should remain constant
declare array print 3rd index element in array print all elements ,print 2nd index to 6th index update the array (adding values to existing array) print length of array print all elements in the array declare associate array
declare string length of string failed1 string uppercase string lowercase string replace string slice
user interactions keyword and its -p arithmetic operations 2 ways conditional statements case statement failed1 terrinary failed1 forloop forloopwitharray failed1 forloopwithfile failed1 whileloop untiloop expr infinite loop with while and for loop read from file with while functions functions and passing arguments to functions passing arguments to script break ,continue , sleep , exit , exit status basename dirname realpath check if file/dir exixts &> /dev/null nameofscript logger debugging the script at and crontab nohup ./script.sh &
Monitoring free RAM space
Monitoring free DISK space and sent an ALERT mail (POSTFIX mandatory for email)
Archive older files or Archive large files In the given directory, if you find files more than a given size ex: 20MB or files older than given days ex:10days Compress those files and move in a 'archive' folder.