Landtable is not ready for deployment. Nothing is finalised. No support is given if you try deploy Landtable right now.
Landtable is a familiar, easy-to-use proxy between your application and your database. It provides a simpler interface to your database, so you can prototype applications quickly.
Landtable is primarily for people that already use products with similar APIs and would like to migrate their data. While Landtable aims to be performant, handling hundreds of thousands of operations per second is not a goal.
Landtable is not open source software. Landtable is licensed under the Polyform Perimeter license.
Thank you to:
- Captainexpo-1 for writing an initial version of the Landtable formula parser (and agreeing to license the software under Landtable's license)
Landtable uses a compact UUIDv4 representation (a UUIDv4 without the dashes). Landtable identifiers start with:
for rows,lfd
for fields,ltb
for tables,lwk
for workspaces.
Landtable keys (starting with lky
) do not have a fixed representation.
Do not rely on there being one.
- cut off the first 3 characters (
) - decode the rest as base62
- shuffle the bytes:
- first 7 bytes of decoded identifier
- 0b00000100
- 0b10100000
- last 7 bytes of decoded identifier (pad with zero bytes if needed)
There are details not shown in the below diagram. It only aims to provide a high-level overview of how a request travels through Landtable.
participant app as App
participant proxy as Landtable Proxy
participant worker as Landtable Worker
participant etcd
participant database as Database
participant database2 as Secondary Database
app->>+proxy: Put record (name#colon; "Sarah", verified#colon; false) into table ltb#colon;...
proxy->>+etcd: Information for table "ltb#colon;..."?
etcd->>-proxy: Primary replica ..., secondary replicas ..., automation triggers ...
loop for primary and each secondary replica
proxy->>+database: INSERT INTO ... VALUES ("Sarah", false)
database->>-proxy: OK
proxy->>-app: Ok, new record is lrw#colon;...
opt has automation linked
proxy->>+worker: Run automation, new record ...
worker->>+etcd: Automation information?
etcd->>-worker: On new record, ...
worker->>-worker: Run automation steps
opt has delayed secondary replicas
proxy->>+worker: Write to delayed secondaries (list of batched writes)
loop for each delayed secondary replica
worker->>+database2: INSERT INTO ... VALUES ("Sarah", false)
database2->>-worker: OK
deactivate worker