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Best Django Admin Interface Awesome

The Best Django Admin Interface Resource.

Django Admin

Repository License: MIT

Best Django Admin Interface Resources

Packages that extend the Admin interface, adding or improving features.

Django Resources

Django Admin Themes & UI Enhancements

  • django-admin-sortable2 - Generic drag-and-drop ordering for objects in the Django admin interface. [D 4.x]
  • Django Jazzmin - Drop-in theme for Django admin, utilizing AdminLTE 3 & Bootstrap 4. [D >= 2]
  • django-admin-bootstrap - Responsive Skin for Django Admin. [D 1.11, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0]
  • django-admin-bootstrapped - A Django admin theme using Twitter Bootstrap. [D 1.8]
  • django-admin-interface - Customizable admin interface with modern flat theme. [D 3.x, 4.x]
  • django-grappelli - A jazzy skin for the Django Admin Interface. [D 3.2, 4.0]
  • django-jet - Modern responsive template for the admin interface. [No versions listed, 5 yrs old]
  • django-jet-reboot - Modern admin template with enhanced functionality. [D >= 3.0]
  • django-material - Material design for Django Forms and Admin. [D 2.2-4.0]
  • django-suit - Modern theme for Django admin interface. [No versions listed, 4.x?]
  • django-wpadmin - WordPress look and feel for Django admin panel. [D 1.8]
  • simpleui - Modern theme based on Vue+Element-UI for Django admin. [D 3.0]
  • django-admin-vol - Modern Bootstrap 5 Design. [No versions listed, freemium]
  • Django Semantic - Free (MIT) Semantic UI admin theme. [No versions listed, recent updates]
  • django-baton - Modern, responsive Django admin based on Bootstrap 5. [D >= 2.1]
  • django-adminlte2 - Django AdminLTE2 theme using AdminLTE3.
  • Black Dashboard Django - Open-source Django Template.
  • Django Unfold - Modern Django admin theme for seamless interface development.
  • Django Daisy - Mobile-friendly Django admin theme built with DaisyUI (TailwindCSS).

Admin Extensions & Functional Enhancements

Older or Deprecated Projects

๐Ÿš€ Django Resources and Libraries for easy development

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Django REST Framework & API-Related Packages

๐Ÿ“ก API Development

  1. Django REST Framework - Web APIs for Django.
  2. django-ninja - Fast Django REST framework based on type annotations.
  3. django-tastypie - Creating APIs for Django apps since 2010.
  4. django-rest-framework-routers - Extends URL routing with auto-generated routes for models.
  5. django-rest-framework-validators - A collection of reusable validators for DRF fields.

๐Ÿ”’ Authentication & Authorization

  1. dj-rest-auth - Authentication for Django Rest Framework.
  2. django-rest-knox - Authentication module for dj-rest-auth.
  3. djoser - REST implementation of Django authentication.
  4. django-rest-framework-simplejwt - JSON web tokens for DRF.
  5. django-axes - Protects Django from brute-force login attempts.
  6. django-allauth - Authentication, registration, and social login integration.
  7. django-guardian - Implements per-object permissions for Django models.

๐Ÿ“‘ API Documentation & OpenAPI Schema Generation

  1. drf-yasg - Swagger/OpenAPI schema generation for DRF.
  2. drf-spectacular - Sane OpenAPI 3 schema generation for DRF.
  3. django-rest-swagger - Integrates DRF with Swagger documentation.
  4. django-openapi-tester - Automatically tests your APIs with OpenAPI specifications.

๐ŸŒ CORS & Webhooks

  1. django-cors-headers - Handles CORS when back-end and front-end are on different servers.
  2. django-webhook - For sending outgoing webhooks on model changes.

๐Ÿ”ฎ GraphQL for Django

  1. graphene-django - GraphQL integration for Django.
  2. graphene-django-filter - Advanced GraphQL filters for Django with logical operators.
  3. graphene-django-extras - Extends graphene-django with extra features like full-text search.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Other Utilities

  1. djaq - Instant remote API to Django models with a powerful query language.
  2. django-webpack-loader - Use Webpack with Django seamlessly.
  3. django-rest-framework-multidb - Adds support for multiple databases in DRF APIs.

๐Ÿงช Development & Testing Tools

  1. pytest-django - Integrates pytest with Django for enhanced testing.
  2. factory_boy - For generating fake data for testing and development.
  3. django-debug-toolbar - A set of panels for debugging Django queries, templates, etc.
  4. - Measures code coverage for your Django tests.
  5. django-model-utils - Provides utilities for Django models, including TimeStampedModel, StatusModel, and others.
  6. django-test-plus - Enhances Djangoโ€™s test suite with extra utilities.
  7. pytest-factoryboy - Integrates factory_boy with pytest for test fixtures.

โšก Performance & Caching

  1. django-redis - Uses Redis as a caching backend for improved performance.
  2. django-debug-toolbar-request-history - Extends Debug Toolbar for request history tracking.
  3. django-storages - Easy file storage integration for cloud services like AWS S3.
  4. django-silk - Profiling tool for Django that tracks SQL queries, cache usage, and request times.
  5. django-celery-results - Stores results of Celery tasks in Django's database.
  6. django-compressor - Compresses linked and inline JavaScript and CSS into a single cached file.

๐Ÿ“‚ File Management & Uploads

  1. django-filebrowser - A file management system for easy media management in Django.
  2. django-imagekit - Toolkit for image processing like resizing and thumbnails.
  3. django-uploadify - Provides easy file upload capabilities.

๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Security & Authentication

  1. django-secure - Set of security extensions for Django to protect against XSS, CSRF, etc.
  2. django-two-factor-auth - Adds two-factor authentication to Django apps.
  3. django-passwords - Provides password validation and policy enforcement.
  4. django-otp - Adds support for one-time password systems in Django.

๐Ÿ•’ Task Scheduling & Background Jobs

  1. django-celery - Integrates Celery with Django for background tasks and task queues.
  2. django-background-tasks - A simpler background task processing library for Django.
  3. django-q - Multi-queue system for Django to handle asynchronous tasks.

๐Ÿ“Š Data Import/Export

  1. django-import-export - Import and export model data to/from formats like CSV, Excel, JSON.
  2. django-modeltranslation - Adds multilingual fields for translating content in Django models.
  3. django-data-wizard - A data import/export utility with a UI for Django.

๐ŸŽจ Frontend & UI Integration

  1. django-webpack-loader - Integrate Webpack with Django for front-end asset management.
  2. django-sass - Integrates Sass for CSS preprocessing in Django.
  3. django-crispy-forms - Better form rendering with a cleaner layout.
  4. django-formtools - Provides form utilities like multi-step forms for Django.

๐ŸŒ Internationalization & Localization

  1. django-rosetta - UI for translating Django .po files.
  2. django-localeurl - Provides automatic URL routing for multilingual websites.
  3. django-modeltranslation - Enables multilingual fields for your models.

๐Ÿš€ Django Learning Resources

๐Ÿ“š Books

  1. Django 2 by Example - Antonio Mele
  2. Two Scoops of Django Best Practices for Django 1.8 - Daniel Roy Greenfeld, Audrey Roy Greenfeld
  3. Lightweight Django: Using REST, WebSockets, and Backbone - Julia Elman, Mark Lavin
  4. High Performance Django - Baumgartner, P.; Malet, Y.
  5. Django RESTful Web Services - Gaston C. Hillar
  6. Django Cookbook Web Development with Django - Beau Curtin
  7. Django ORM Cookbook - Agiliq
  8. Building APIs with Django and Django Rest Framework - Agiliq
  9. Django Admin Cookbook - Agiliq

๐Ÿ“ Blogs

  1. Simple is Better Than Complex -
  2. Django Girls Tutorial - djangogirls
  3. Coding for Entrepreneurs -
  4. Valentinog - Django REST with React -
  5. Wsvincent - Django Rest Framework with React Tutorial -

๐ŸŒ Websites

  1. Django Official Documentation -
  2. DjangoSites - Django Projects with Source Code -
  3. Mozilla - Django Web Framework -
  4. Marina Mele - TaskBuster Django Tutorial -
  5. TutorialsPoint - Django Tutorial -
  6. JavaTpoint - Django Tutorial -
  7. Django Marcador -

๐ŸŽฅ YouTube Tutorials

  1. Max Goodridge - Django Tutorials - YouTube
  2. Parwiz Forogh - Learn Django 2.1 - YouTube
  3. HighFiveCode - Learn Django 2.0 with PollMe - YouTube
  4. Thenewboston - Django Tutorials for Beginners - YouTube
  5. - Full Django Course - YouTube
  6. Aarav Tech - Django Rest Framework Tutorials - YouTube
  7. CodingEntrepreneurs - Build a Django REST API - YouTube
  8. Sentdex - Django Web Development with Python - YouTube
  9. CodingEntrepreneurs - Try Django Tutorial Series - YouTube
  10. Corey Schafer - Django Tutorials - YouTube
  11. ePayMinds - Build a Django eCommerce App - YouTube
  12. Derek Banas - Django Tutorial - YouTube
  13. Vineeth Sai - Inventory Management System in Django - YouTube
  14. Free Online Courses - Django for WordPress Developers - YouTube
  15. Traversy Media - Full Stack React & Django - YouTube
  16. The Dumbfounds - Django Design Patterns - YouTube
  17. Pretty Printed - Django Tutorials - YouTube
  18. JustDjango - Django Intermediate - YouTube
  19. CodingEntrepreneurs - Try Django v2.2 - YouTube
  20. Telusko - Django Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube
  21. Arbadjie - Developing a Computer Inventory Management System - YouTube


Best Django Admin Interface Resources

Welcome to our curated collection of Django Admin Interface resources! This project aims to help developers create beautiful, efficient, and user-friendly admin interfaces in Django applications.

๐ŸŒŸ Why Contribute?

  • Help fellow developers discover the best admin interface solutions
  • Share your knowledge and experience with the community
  • Make Django development more accessible and enjoyable
  • Be part of an active open-source community

๐Ÿค Our Contributors

We are proud of our growing community of contributors who help make this resource better every day:


๐ŸŽฏ How You Can Help

  • Share your favorite Django admin themes and packages
  • Add tutorials and implementation guides
  • Improve documentation and examples
  • Report bugs and suggest improvements
  • Review and enhance existing content

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๐Ÿ’ฌ Join the Community

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  • Open an issue
  • Submit a pull request

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