Welcome to the HTML-CSS-Projects repository! This repository contains a collection of front-end projects built using HTML and CSS. These projects serve as a way to learn, showcase, and share knowledge. Whether you're new to web development or looking for inspiration, you'll find valuable examples here.
Hello! My name is Mihir Raj Singh, and I am the author of this repository. I created this to share what I am learning while exploring HTML and CSS. Every project I create will be updated or shared here, making this repository both a learning resource and a personal showcase of my progress.
Below is a list of some featured projects included in this repository:
ClickCraft: A simple webpage featuring different styles of buttons from popular websites like YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Uber, and more, created using HTML and CSS.
QrCodeCard: A simple clean, sleek and modern QR Code Card design using fundamental HTML and CSS.
NFTCard: A simple clean, sleek and modern NFTCard design using fundamental HTML and CSS.
3ColumnCard: A simple clean, sleek and modern 3ColumnCard design using fundamental HTML and CSS. Mainly focus on mobile first approach of development and flexbox.
Each project resides in its own directory, and every new project is developed in a separate branch. Once completed, the branch is merged into the main branch.
Each commit follows this format:
[Type of commit : Branch Name]: Short intro of commit
Details of the commit are provided as checkboxes in the description.
Use the following naming conventions for branches and folders:
- SerialNo_MIP_ProjectName: For Mini-Projects
- SerialNo_MAP_ProjectName: For Major-Projects
- 1_MIP_TextEditor
- 2_MAP_PortfolioWebsite
You may also encounter branch merge commits like:
[Merge : Main <- 1_MIP_TextEditor]
Understanding these formats will help you navigate and use this repository effectively.
To get the most out of these projects, you may need:
- A code editor like Visual Studio Code
- Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS
- A modern web browser for testing (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge)
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/iammihirsig/HTML-CSS-Projects.git
Navigate to the branch or folder of your choice:
git checkout branch-name
Open the
file in your web browser to view the project:open index.html
Feel free to experiment with the code to enhance your learning experience. You are welcome to clone the main or other branches as required, including the full repository, to learn and improve your HTML and CSS skills.
If you're new to web development, consider checking out resources like:
I am not looking for contributions at this time. However, you are welcome to fork this repository and practice yourself to enhance your skills. Please avoid making unnecessary pull requests.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use the code for personal or commercial projects, but don’t forget to give credit!
Crafted with 💙 by Mihir Raj Singh | GitHub: iammihirsig