This is a respository of things I've built or tweaked for for myself or other streamers on Twitch/YouTube.
Each folder will have a README with instructions, and an 'import_code.txt' file containing the import text that will work in 0.2.x. I will not be generating exports for 0.1.x. But each folder will also include any C# code needed to build your own actions, subactions, etc along the way or if you want to make any modifications/improvements. Please make a pull request to the code if you add something helpful!
If you find a way to improve it, please share it back here. I'm not an expert at C# or, I hack things 'til they work then move on to the next thing.
Probably on my live stream but you can contact me as iandouglas736
on Twitter, Discord, etc.
Check out my Discord server and look for the #streamerbot-ideas
channel for things I'm planning to build, or for what I HAVE built.
No warranty. You're on your own. I disclaim all responsibility if you use any of my code.