Table of Contents generated with DocToc
This image is build using Ubuntu 14.04 with Nginx and PHP 5.5.9 and is optimized to run Drupal 7 and it is designed to use the docroot which is how Acquia repositories are setup if you are hosting your production site on Acquia.
** This is not intended to be a production ready instance. My current use is for local development with sites being hosted on Acquia Cloud. **
This repo is a fork of: if your site does not use docroot format this container maybe a better option.
Drupal Site Code must be located /var/www/docroot
- Repository root --> /var/www
- docroot --> /var/www/docroot
- sites
- scripts
- tools
- nginx
- php
- composer
- drush
- Added SSL cert for https and nginx config is set to serve https/ssl
- Removed the mail server configuration. Use drupal SMTP module with mailcatcher.
- Added mysql client for use with Drush SQL Commands
- Logs are at /var/log/supervisor so you can map that directory
- Application root directory is /var/www so make sure you map the application there
- The web root in this container /var/www/docroot this is set up to match how Acquia Repos are structured.
- Nginx configuration was provided by but it's modified
$ make build
$ docker build -t yourname/nginx-drupal .
Nginx will look for files in /var/www so you need to map your application to that directory.
The actual site will be run from /var/www/docroot
docker run -d -p 8000:80 -v application:/var/www yourname/nginx-drupal
If you want to link the container to a MySQL/MariaDB contaier do:
docker run -d -p 8000:80 -v application:/var/www my_mysql_container:mysql yourname/nginx-drupal
The script will add the environment variables with MYSQL_ to /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/env.conf so PHP-FPM detects them. If you need to use them you can do:
- The -e PHP_OPCACHE will turn the opcache on or off when you run the container
- Mount Script will run automatically on startup it is designed if you need to mount a folder for configs or shared files.
docker run -d -e PHP_OPCACHE=enabled -v "application:/var/www" -v "" espressodev/nginx-drupal:latest
If you want to use xdebug there is a tag. It sends the connections back to the default docker bridge on port 9000. The debug key is dgbp
docker run -d -e PHP_OPCACHE=disabled -v "application:/var/www" -v "" espressodev/nginx-drupal:xdebug
IF PEAR IS DOWN In the temporary to get drush running there is a copy of the console table on my repo in github. It can be downloaded and installed in the package location
cd /tmp
curl -O
mkdir -p ~/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/lib/Console_Table-1.1.3/
cp Table.php ~/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/lib/Console_Table-1.1.3/Table.php
AKA Docker Compose
image: mysql
- "3306"
image: espressodev/nginx-drupal
- application:/var/www
- logs:/var/log/supervisor
- mountscript:/usr/local/bin/
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- "mysql:mysql"
With Fig this is actually easier and is the recommended way since if you're running Docker without fig, you'll have to link all containers before you run drush.
$ fig run --rm web drush
Released under the MIT License.