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- pnpm: Fast, disk space efficient package manager
- Self-host fonts using neatly bundled NPM packages.
- prettier An opinionated code formatter
- stylelint CSS Linter
- eleventy Static site generator
- parcel Build tool for html,css js etc
- postcss Tool to transform CSS
- postcss-preset-env postcss plugin to polyfill CSS
- open-props CSS variables for colors, sizes, shadows etc
- tailwind Utility-first CSS framework
- style-lint CSS linter
- lighthouse-ci Automate running Lighthouse
Install the dependencies.
pnpm install
Start the development server on localhost.
make dev
Build the site and save the output to dist/
make build
Check css for errors using stylelint
make lint-css
Format files with Prettier.
make fmt
Run lighthouse on solutions marked as complete
to mark solution as complete
make lhci
See lighthouse results
make docs-html
Generate index
make docs