- Assigned: September 6, 2019
- Due: at 6pm on September 20, 2019
You should have received an email invitation to access this assigment in Github Classroom. If you haven't received it, please post an Issue
The goal of this challenge is to help you get more familiar with the material covered in the following lessons from SWC: R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
You will need to:
Initialize a new project in RStudio based on this repository (you might want to review the relevant instructions from Challenge 1)
Fill the blank R code chunks in challenge3_assignment.Rmd
Modify the header of challenge3_assignment.Rmd (you might want to review the relevant instructions from Challenge 1
Submit the Assignment (you might want to review the relevant instructions from Challenge 1 ). You should submit the following:
: your modified version of the R Notebook that you received in your repochallenge3_assignment.html
: the output from knitting your revisedchallenge3_assignment.Rmd
: your function definition file.
- Optional (but strongly recommended): frequently commit changes and push to GitHub.
We strongly recommend that you start working on this immediately so you will have time to get any help that you need. If you have questions about this assignment outside of class, please post an Issue to the discussion forum.
For this assignment and future assignments we will be checking for:
Weight (%) | Component |
70 | Correct Result |
15 | Code Quality |
10 | Git Commit Message Quality |
5 | SessionInfo |
- For some helpful hints search the internet for "writing good commit messages"
- You may also want examples of what not to do
Including a SessionInfo
statement at the end of your R Notebook is good reproducibility practice.