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Mark Dixon edited this page Jun 9, 2016 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the CHHS-Agile-IBM wiki!

This wiki contains the supporting evidence that IBM followed, to the extent possible in a prototype, the plays outlined in the U.S. Digital Services Playbook. It tells the story in documents, images and movies of how we created this prototype.

Please see the [overview presentation]( ADPQ RFI Agile DevOps - IBM Story v4.pdf) for a summary of how we built this prototype.

To navigate to a particular play and our response thereto, please use the sidebar to the right. Note there are specific links in most play pages to relevant artifacts produced in this prototype effort.

To view all the supplemental artifacts we produced which document our collaboration, design and coding efforts in building this prototype, please feel free to click on the "code" tab in the navigation bar, then on the "supporting-evidence" folder (directory) and its related sub-folders.

NOTE: When viewing an image, you can click on the "raw" icon "raw" button in the upper right hand corner to see a larger version of the image being viewed.

Thank you for reviewing our work.