- Create a virtual environment:
virtualenv --python="$(which python3)" env
- Activate the virtual enviroment:
source env/bin/activate
- install requirements:
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
- Create the database and tables and a default user with create_db.py
python3 create_db.py
- Run on command line:
python3 run.py
(for the web ui)python3 coffeebot.py
(for the slack bot)
- Open the browser at http://localhost:5000 (note: Use localhost, not
- Activate the virtual enviroment:
source env/bin/activate
- Run the coffeespec tests:
python test_coffeespecs.py
- Push changes to the site using git push heroku master
- The program is started by this
- There's no DB migration, manually do any changes before you push the dependent changes