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Typing SVG

3D Coding GIF

I'm a student from Esa Unggul University studying Informatics Engineering.

checkbox Currently working on programming languages: PHP, C, C++, Python.
checkbox Learning Front-end Development.
checkbox Looking to collaborate on exciting projects.
checkbox Open to networking with full-stack developers.
checkbox Reach me at [email protected].

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Languages and Tools

Android Blender Bootstrap C CodeIgniter C++ CSS3 Docker Firebase Flutter Git HTML5 Hugo IFTTT Illustrator Jasmine JavaScript Linux MongoDB MySQL Oracle PHP PostgreSQL React React Native Redux Sass SQLite TypeScript Vue.js Vuetify

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<style> @keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes bounce { 0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100% { transform: translateY(0); } 40% { transform: translateY(-30px); } 60% { transform: translateY(-15px); } } @keyframes zoomIn { from { transform: scale(0); } to { transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes flip { from { transform: rotateY(0); } to { transform: rotateY(360deg); } } .animated-header { animation: fadeIn 2s ease-in-out, zoomIn 1s ease-out; } #typed { display: inline-block; animation: bounce 2s infinite; } .tools-container a { margin: 0 10px; animation: flip 2s infinite; } .hover-icon:hover { transform: scale(1.1); transition: transform 0.2s; } .stats-card { margin: 10px; animation: zoomIn 0.5s ease-out; } </style>


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