A fancy notes app
- SQLC - does it check values when i change schemas?
- setup base routes for views
- Inlined struct for validation on posts + puts + deletes (type Data struct - inside the closure)
- is this better?
- Find more sane way to do templ files + structuring
- Form validations in a sane way
- ozzo
- create a simple way to add in a field -> string + then can pass in errors per field
- get the map of the errors + pass those ito the templates
- if error [field] != nil { show the stuff ezpz }
- How do we handle + send back previous responses if there's errors??
- flash sessions
- SSE with some neat stuff
- Semantic layout, styling, UX and better test coverage.
- GH Action setup for CICD
A very opinionated stack we can reuse over and over.
- Go
- TailwindCSS
- Templ
- htmx
- Air
- github.com/caarlos0/env/v9
- Echo Webserver
- Goose
- SQLite + LiteFS
- ...
- Fly.io
- Doppler
- Gitpod
- Honeycomb.io
- Bunny.net CDN
goose -dir migrations sqlite3 /litefs/potato.db create add_user_email sql
What is the best approach for our structure of the application?
db + main + http is all good at the moment
services are good (but move to an Init to return an interface for it) (maybe look into moq or mockery during tests)
- Have a main route that loads the entire thing, composed of it's sub components
- The sub components can be auto-refreshed as necessary w/ htmx events
- means controllers will be able to get data for all the sub parts separately
- similar to a remix setup, actually.
- If this is the case - how do we efficiently pull up data?
- A sub route needs it's own data fetching - unless it's provided to it?
- if we detect that it's from htmx - we can send partials
- The route is controller code
- Session checks, CSRF checks, etc
- Can handle sub posts if we wanted too + return items or oob updates or triggers
- Composes the responses w/ templates
- Templates are not colocated with controllers, due to templ generation
don't need to do pointers all the time?
some interesting articles on the approach: https://medium.com/@kyodo-tech/lindy-approach-to-web-development-htmx-and-go-809bdfdf2279
docker run --rm -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts --net=host skandyla/wrk -t5 -c10 -d30 http://localhost:8080