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Group bibliography, please read this README carefully.

Workflows and Best Practices

Please pull a fresh version of this repository when you start to write a new paper and use ifn_spaml_bibliography.bib as your bibliography. After submission and review of the paper please commit your new corrected references here.

Merge Conflicts

In the case that someone added references in between and you run into a merge conflict, please use a merge editor of your choice, to compare your local ifn_spaml_bibliography.bib with the most recent ifn_spaml_bibliography.bib from this repository.


If bibtex keys are already in use please append the next unused [a-z] letter to your key.

Before commiting please use the following tool to tidy up your .bib file.

The current bibliography has been formatted with the following parameter set:

bibtex-tidy --align=16  --blank-lines --sort=key --no-escape --sort-fields=title,author,journal,booktitle,shorttitle,year,volume,number,pages,address,month,day,location,on,publisher,series,doi,isbn,issn,url,urldate,copyright,category,metadata,keywords --no-remove-dupe-fields --no-lowercase YOUR_FILE.bib

Paste the raw text of the ifn_spaml_bibliography.bib file inside the linked web-tool tidy it up. Before commiting then please review your new entries and changes manually with a diff tool of your choice.

Headline Capitalization

Capitalize all words with four or more letters.*

Provide Surnames

Some conferences require the full surnames of the authors. So if you add references please provide surnames of all authors. Avoid using "and others" in your author list to generate "et al.". There are bibtex/biber options to do that.


Do not add abstracts or reviews.

Conference papers:

  title       = {{Title Using Headline Capitalization}},
  author      = {Max Musterfrau and Jane Doe and Olaf Normalverbraucherin},
  booktitle   = {Proc. of CONF},
  year        = {xxxx},
  pages       = {xxxx--xxxx},
  address     = {City, (State,) Country},
  month       = [jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec],
  keywords    = {Keyword1; Keyword2; ...},

Journal arcticles:

  title     = {{Title Using Headline Capitalization}},
  author    = {Max Musterfrau and Jane Doe and Olaf Normalverbraucherin},
  journal 	= {IEEE Transactions on Lorem Ipsum (ABBR.)},
  year      = {xxxx},
  volume    = {xx},
  number    = {x},
  pages     = {xxxx--xxxx},
  month     = [jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec],
  keywords  = {Keyword1; Keyword2; ...},

ITU standard:

  title                    = {{Rec. P.1110: Wideband Hands-Free Communication in Motor Vehicles}},
  author                   = {{ITU}},
  month                    = [jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec],
  organization             = {{International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T)}},
  year                     = {xxxx},


  title                    = {{SciPy: Open Source Scientific Tools for Python}},
  author                   = {Eddy Jones and Thomas Oliphant and Peter Peterson and others},
  note                     = {[Online; accessed <today>]},
  year                     = {2001--},
  url                      = {}


  title     = {Deep Lorem Ipsum with PyTorch},
  publisher = {Publisher Name},
  year      = {XXXX},
  author    = {Max Musterfrau and Jane Doe and Olaf Normalverbraucherin},
  keywords  = {Keyword1; Keyword2; ...},

arXiv e-Print:

  title         = {{Title Using Headline Capitalization}},
  author        = {Max Musterfrau and Jane Doe and Olaf Normalverbraucherin},
  journal       = {arXiv},
  year          = {XXXX},
  month         = [jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec],
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  eprint        = {XXXX.XXXXX}, # e-print number
  keywords      = {Keyword1; Keyword2; ...},

Abbreviations for commonly used conferences

Conference booktitle in bibtex
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Proc. of AAAI
IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop Proc. of ASRU
British Machine Vision Conference Proc. of BMVC
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Proc. of CVPR
European Conference on Computer Vision Proc. of ECCV
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Proc. of ICASSP
International Conference on Computer Vision Proc. of ICCV
IEEE International Confernence on Image Processing Proc. of ICIP
International Conference on Learning Representations Proc. of ICLR
International Conference on Machine Learning Proc. of ICML
Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association Proc. of Interspeech
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference Proc. of ITSC
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proc. of IV
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Proc. of NeurIPS
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics Proc. of WASPAA
International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement Proc. of IWAENC
European Signal Processing Conference Proc. of EUSIPCO
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Proc. of WACV

For workshops that were in conjunction with a conference add " - Workshops" to the booktitle, e.g., "Proc. of CVPR - Workshops"


Group bibliography






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