Kinvey's native API format is JSON over HTTP. Many APIs, however, use SOAP as a document format. This project is a reference Flex Connector for connecting to SOAP-based APIs. This reference connector consumes a database of medical insurance HCPCS codes.
To use this connector, clone this GitHub repository, and install the associated dependencies:
npm install
The DLC can either be deployed to the FlexService Runtime, or run locally. To run locally, you must have node.js v6.x or greater. Execute:
node .
This Flex Connector uses the following dependencies, in addition to the kinvey-flex-sdk
- async: The async.js module is used managing concurrency in transforming data
- soap: A library for consuming SOAP APIs
- xml2js: Used for converting XML to JSON, and JSON to XML
This reference connector contains sample automated tests, both unit and integration. To run the tests, execute:
npm test
The Flex Connector implements three methods associated with the Kinvey DataLink API:
- onGetAll
- onGetById
- onGetCount
The service objects and handlers are defined in the index.js
file. The handlers are loaded seperately from lib/handlers
. This separation is done for two purposes:
a) to increase modularity and reusability of code
b) to facilitate unit testing
// Initiate the Flex SDK Service
sdk.service((err, flex) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Error initializing the Flex SDK, exiting.');
throw err;
const data =; // gets the datalink object from the service
const partner = data.serviceObject('HCPCS'); // Creates the HCPCS Service Object
// wire up the events that we want to process
The handlers then perform two steps for every request:
- Make a request to
for processing the SOAP call and converting the response to JSON - Transform the result into valid Kinvey entities and map to new field names in
For example, for onGetById
, the handler makes a call to the soap-client
soap.getHCPCS(context.entityId, (err, result) => {
The SOAP Client calls the API, gets the result, and converts the result to JSON:
function getHCPCS(HCPC, callback) {
soap.createClient(SERVICE_URL, (err, client) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
const args = {
return client.HCPCS.HCPCSSoap.GetHCPCSbyHCPCSCode(args, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return parser.parseString(result.GetHCPCSbyHCPCSCodeResult, (err, parsedResult) =>
callback(null, parsedResult.NewDataSet.Table));
Finally, the transformer is called to return the result:
function transformEntity(entity, modules) {
if (typeof entity !== 'object') {
return new Error('The entity must be an object.');
if (Array.isArray(entity)) {
return new Error('Arrays are not permitted. Only a single entity may be supplied.');
if (entity.HCPC == null) {
return new Error('No HCPC field (_id) present in the resulting entity');
if (modules == null || modules.kinveyEntity == null || modules.kinveyEntity.entity == null) {
return new Error('A valid modules object must be supplied');
const mappedEntity = modules.kinveyEntity.entity();
mappedEntity._id = entity.HCPC;
mappedEntity.title = entity.ShortDescription;
mappedEntity.description = entity.LongDescription;
return mappedEntity;
After transforming, we complete the flex request and return the results to the request pipeline for further processing:
return complete().setBody(result).ok().next();