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Assembles files and dumps bytes to stdout.
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igraves committed Apr 8, 2012
1 parent a7ba25b commit af70257
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Showing 4 changed files with 107 additions and 27 deletions.
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions Hdcpu16/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Parser where
module Hdcpu16.Parser (parseins) where

import Types
import Hdcpu16.Types
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Data.Either
Expand All @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import Data.Maybe

--The Big daddy
parsins :: String -> IO [Instruction]
parsins fn = do
parseins :: String -> IO [Instruction]
parseins fn = do
str <- readFile fn
let ins = runParser program () fn str
case ins of
Expand All @@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ fixids (NBI oc (Ident s1)) m = NBI oc (fixop s1 m)
fixids n _ = n

fixop i m = let r = fromJust $ Data.Map.lookup i m
in if r > 0xFF
then NWLit r
else LV (fromIntegral r)
in NWLit r

islbl ((L _)) = True
Expand Down
74 changes: 54 additions & 20 deletions Hdcpu16/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
module Types where
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Hdcpu16.Types where

import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Debug.Trace
import Numeric

data Register = A | B | C | X | Y | Z | I | J deriving Show
data Register = A | B | C | X | Y | Z | I | J deriving (Eq, Show)

data Operand = Reg Register
Expand All @@ -20,7 +25,7 @@ data Operand = Reg Register
| NWRef Word16
| NWLit Word16
| Ident String -- This can't be assembled and must be resolved
| LV Word8 deriving Show
| LV Word8 deriving (Show, Eq)

data Opcode = NonBasic
Expand All @@ -37,30 +42,52 @@ data Opcode = NonBasic
| IFB deriving Show
| IFB deriving (Show, Eq)

data NBOpcode = JSR deriving (Show, Eq)

data NBOpcode = JSR deriving Show
data Program = Prog [Instruction] deriving Show

data Instruction = BI Opcode Operand Operand
| NBI NBOpcode Operand
| L Label deriving Show
| L Label deriving (Eq, Show)

data Label = Label String deriving Show
data Label = Label String deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Binary Instruction where
get = parseIns
put x = put $ ins2word16 x
put x = ins2word16 x

instance Binary Program where
get = do
ins <- parseManyIns
return $ Prog ins
put (Prog xs) = do
mapM ins2word16 xs
return ()
--End Types

parseManyIns :: Get [Instruction]
parseManyIns = do
n <- remaining
if n > 0
then do
i <- parseIns
rem <- parseManyIns
return (i:rem)
else do
return []

parseIns :: Get Instruction
parseIns = do
fst <- getWord16le
let opc = 0xF .&. fst
if opc == 0x0
fst <- getWord16be
let opc = fst
let opc' = 0x0F .&. fst
if opc' == 0x0
then do
--parse non-basic instruction
let opc' = word2noc $ (rotateR opc 4) .&. 0x3F
Expand All @@ -71,32 +98,37 @@ parseIns = do
let opc' = word2oc $ opc .&. 0xF
op1 <- procword $ word2op $ (rotateR opc 4) .&. 0x3F
op2 <- procword $ word2op $ (rotateR opc 10) .&. 0x3F
return $ BI opc' op1 op2
return $ BI opc' op1 op2
--parse basic instruction
--finish these partially completed ops
procword (RNW r 0) = do
res <- getWord16le
res <- getWord16be
return $ RNW r res
procword (NWRef 0) = do
res <- getWord16le
res <- getWord16be
return $ NWRef res
procword (NWLit 0) = do
res <- getWord16le
res <- getWord16be
return $ NWLit res
procword x = return x

ins2word16 :: Instruction -> [Word16]
ins2word16 (BI oc op1 op2) = [(rotateL (op2word16 op2) 10) .|. (rotateL (op2word16 op1) 4) .|. (oc2word16 oc)] ++ b2 ++ b3
ins2word16 :: Instruction -> Put
ins2word16 (BI oc op1 op2) = do
putWord16be $ (rotateL (op2word16 op2) 10) .|. (rotateL (op2word16 op1) 4) .|. (oc2word16 oc)
if Prelude.length b2 > 0 then putWord16be (head b2) else return ()
if Prelude.length b3 > 0 then putWord16be (head b3) else return ()
b2 = prjword op1
b3 = prjword op2

ins2word16 (NBI noc op1) = [(rotateL (op2word16 op1) 10) .|. (rotateL (noc2word16 noc) 4)] ++ b2
ins2word16 (NBI noc op1) = do
putWord16be $ (rotateL (op2word16 op1) 10) .|. (rotateL (noc2word16 noc) 4)
if length b2 > 0 then putWord16be (head b2) else return ()
b2 = prjword op1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +218,7 @@ op2word16 op = case op of
OVF -> 0x1d
(NWRef _) -> 0x1e
(NWLit _) -> 0x1f
LV n -> (fromIntegral n) + 0x20 --Requires prior checking
LV n -> (fromIntegral n) --Requires prior checking

word2op :: Word16 -> Operand
word2op op = case op of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,6 +254,8 @@ word2op op = case op of
0x1D -> OVF
0x1E -> NWRef 0 --Second pass fills this in
0x1F -> NWLit 0 --Second pass fills this in
n -> if n < 0x31 && n > 0x20 then (LV ((fromIntegral n)-0x20)) else error "Bad opcode."
n -> if n <= 0x3F && n >= 0x20
then (LV ((fromIntegral n)))
else error "Bad opcode."

---End Encoding
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module Main where

import Hdcpu16.Parser
import Hdcpu16.Types
import System.Environment
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Numeric

main = do
args <- getArgs
let fn = (args !! 0)
ins <- parseins fn
let bin = runPut $ put (Prog ins)
B.putStr bin
return ()

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions tests/notch_spec.s
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
; Try some basic stuff
SET A, 0x30 ; 7c01 0030
SET [0x1000], 0x20 ; 7de1 1000 0020
SUB A, [0x1000] ; 7803 1000
IFN A, 0x10 ; c00d
SET PC, crash ; 7dc1 001a [*]

; Do a loopy thing
SET I, 10 ; a861
SET A, 0x2000 ; 7c01 2000
:loop SET [0x2000+I], [A] ; 2161 2000
SUB I, 1 ; 8463
IFN I, 0 ; 806d
SET PC, loop ; 7dc1 000d [*]

; Call a subroutine
SET X, 0x4 ; 9031
JSR testsub ; 7c10 0018 [*]
SET PC, crash ; 7dc1 001a [*]

:testsub SHL X, 4 ; 9037
SET PC, POP ; 61c1

; Hang forever. X should now be 0x40 if everything went right.
:crash SET PC, crash ; 7dc1 001a [*]

; [*]: Note that these can be one word shorter and one cycle faster by using the short form (0x00-0x1f) of literals,
; but my assembler doesn't support short form labels yet.

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