This Symfony2 Bundle is supported by "Vu Par Digital..." (, french web and communication agency in Nantes, France.
The aim of this bundle is to nest miscellanous wysiwyg editors to allow you to use them with minimum configuration
This bundle is in DEVEL mode
- enable custom editors, custom sets, custom themes
- add other editors, sets and themes
git submodule add git:// src/IHQS/WysiwygBundle
Modify your autoloader if you didn't installer another IHQS Bundle yet. Register namespace :
// app/autoload.php
'IHQS' => __DIR__,
// ...
Instantiate Bundle in your app/AppKernel.hpp file
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new IHQS\WysiwygBundle\IHQSWysiwygBundle(),
Configure your application
// app/config.yml
selector: wysiwyg_editor // default class for the textarea you want to improve
library: xxxx // the editor you want. Default : markitup. Also available : ckeditor
set: xxxx // the settings you want to apply to the editor, meaning its configuration
theme: xxxx // the theme you want to apply to the editor
Add script to your templates at the bottom of your page (for faster page display).
// anyfile.html.twig
{% render "IHQSWysiwygBundle:Script:init" %}
You got to add this asset to your webpage.
// anyfile.html.twig
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('bundles/ihqswysiwyg/js/wysiwyg.js') }}"></script>
You'll need AssetBundle and you'll also need to launch the command assets:install
"°" means it's default configuration
markitup [°]
- themes : default [°]
- sets : markitup [°], default
ckeditor (being added)