This is a local plugin for moodle that works as an EMREX Contact Point (EMP). The EMP allows students to request the transfer of learning achievements from moodle. Achievements are transferred as signed ELMO certificates. This plugin could be used for recognition of credit oints like ects that were achieved by completing moodle courses at universities and other learning institutions.
Install to folder moodle/local
git clone emp
The robrichards/xmlseclibs library is needed to sign the ELMO certificate with a XML Digital Signature.
composer require robrichards/xmlseclibs
In the plugin setting you also need to set the filelocation for a X.509 Certificate and a corresponding private key file and the passphrase used to create the certificate.
Admins and editing teachers need to setup courses to enable credit achievements and ELMO Transfer by accessing the EMP course settings over the course navigation bar.
Additionally custom profile fields will have to be added. An admin needs to create two text fields with names local_emp_placeOfBirth, and local_emp_birthName and a date field for local_emp_bday.
Users have to set a birthName, a placeOfBirth and a birthday in their user profile settings for the authentication requirements of EMREX.
The url to send transfer requests to is <yourmoodlesite>/local/emp/init.php
For other EMREX clients to find this EMREX Contact Point it needs to be registered at the EMREG network. Read more here to find out how to join: