My name is Ionescu Liviu Grigore (ilg, ilegeul or eunete for colleagues and friends) and I'm a senior software engineer. Or should I say a real programmer? (for those old enough to remember the joke)
I'm currently interested in solutions for improving the quality of embedded software, mainly by using reproducible builds frameworks and extensive multi-plaform testing (Arm & RISC-V), with an emphasise on C++ and bare-metal embedded projects.
The main open source projects that I have fun with are:
The xPack project aims to provide a set of cross-platform tools to manage, configure and build complex, modular, multi-target (multi-architecture, multi-board, multi-toolchain) projects, with an emphasis on C/C++ and bare-metal embedded projects.
- - project web site
- - GitHub organisation with multiple projects
- - GitHub organisation with multi-platform binary xPack development tools
- ilg-vscode.xpack - VS Code xPack extension
- @xpack_project - Twitter account for releases notifications
The µOS++ project (micro oh ɛs plus plus) is a POSIX-like, portable, open source, royalty-free, multi-tasking real-time framework intended for 32/64-bits embedded applications, written in C++.
- - project web site
- - GitHub organisation with multiple projects
- - GitHub organisation with 3rd party libraries
- @micro_os_plus - Twitter account for releases notifications
Eclipse Embedded CDT is an open source project that includes a family of Eclipse plug-ins and tools for multi-platform embedded cross (Arm and RISC-V) development, based on GNU toolchains.
- - project web site
- - GitHub organisation
- @EmbedCDT - Twitter account for releases notifications
- @ilegeul - Twitter account
- - LinkedIn profile
- ilgthegeek - ilg The Geek's blog
- ilegeul - Liviu's personal blog