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Folder and File Structure

Ilias Dougias edited this page May 31, 2024 · 41 revisions

File Tree

├── lua                                  # LUA FOLDER
│   ├── core
│   │   ├── autocommands.lua             # File to store all the autocommands
│   │   ├── usercommands.lua             # File to store all the usercommands
│   │   ├── keymaps.lua                  # Keybindings
│   │   └── options.lua                  # All Neovim options
│   └── plugins
│       ├── lsp                          # LSP RELATED PLUGINS FOLDER
│       │   ├── lsp-config.lua           # nvim-lspconfig
│       │   └── other-lsp-plugins.lua    # Other lsp related plugins
│       ├── init.lua                     # Many plugins in one file
│       ├── plugin_1.lua                 # One or more plugins in one file
│       ├── plugin_2.lua                 # One or more plugins in one file
│       ├── **
│       └── plugin_xx.lua
├── snippets
│   ├── javaspript.lua                   # JavaScript snippets
│   └── lua.lua                          # Lua snippets
├── ftplugin
│   └── java.lua                         # Java configuration
└── init.lua                             # Main file

Understanding the file tree

./init.lua file

Main file is init.lua in the root directory. In this file is the code to bootstrap lazy.nvim.

  • Boottrap lazy.nvim
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/lazy/lazy.nvim'
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
       '--branch=stable', -- latest stable release

vim.g.mapleader = ','
vim.g.maplocalleader = ','


local opts = {}

require('lazy').setup('plugins', opts)

The mapleader and the localmapleader have to be set before lazy.nvim load all the plugins. If you want, you can to change the leader key it in this file.

vim.g.mapleader = ','
vim.g.maplocalleader = ','

require('lazy').setup('plugins', opts)

./lua/core/ Folder

In this folder are the core options and settings for Neovim, like autocommands, usercommands, keymaps and options.

The files in this folder has to be required in the ./init.lua file.

Again, before lazy.nvim loads the plugins.


require('lazy').setup('plugins', opts)

./lua/plugins/ Folder

All the plugins come in this folder as .lua files.

You can put your plugins all in one file (./lua/plugins/init.lua) or create a new ./lua/plugins/<plugin_name>.lua file in this directory with the plugin name.

Lazy.nvim loads every file in this directory.

Then you have to install the plugin with Lazy.nvim. Just open Lazy with the command :Lazy and press I to install the plugin.

  • See how to install plugins with lazy.nvim → here
  • See the commands and usage for Lazy.nvim → here

./lua/plugins/lsp Folder

Here are all the LSP related plugins, like nvim-lspconfig, trouble.nvim and more.

Lazy.nvim loads also every file in this directory, because of this option:

require('lazy').setup({ { import = 'plugins' }, { import = 'plugins.lsp' } }, opts)

./lua/snippets/ Folder

Here are all the snippets for different filetypes, that CMP can load with LuaSnip.

See this great YouTube - Video how to use LuaSnip.

./lua/ftplugin/ Folder

In this folder is the configuration file, to work with *.java files in Neovim.