Closed issues:
- Render tests aren't rendering #1216
- Icons shouldn't be animated #1234
- sub-pages in demo app are not routable from URL #1224
Merged pull requests:
- Restore Check for Zero Size #1238 @jrjohnson
- donut and pie charts now do not animate if they are displayed as icons #1236 @michaelchadwick
- Remove Render Modifiers Dependency #1231 @jrjohnson
- Replace Loading Logic #1237 @jrjohnson
- Improve Transition Completion #1235 @jrjohnson
- Enhance Integration Tests #1233 @jrjohnson
- redirect any sub-paths to the index file. #1225 @stopfstedt
- improved class attribute conditional class spacing #1227 @michaelchadwick
- changed README's Usage example from Classic to Octane #1226 @michaelchadwick
- Update Ember Blueprints #1229 @jrjohnson
Updated Dependencies:
* These notes were automatically created by generate-github-release-notes