This repository contains the source code for the paper "On the Field-Based Division Property: Applications to MiMC, Feistel MiMC and GMiMC".
The codes for the basic general monomial propagation operations are provided in the file "basic/".
The codes for MiMC, Feistel MiMC and GMiMC are provided in the folder named by the algorithm. For example, the folder "MiMC" contains several important files:
"" : this file defines functions for the general monomial propagation of MiMC.
"" : this file shows the implementation of general monomial prediction for MiMC.
We take MiMC as an example.
First we need to install STP and CRYPTOMINISAT and configure "PATH_CRYPTOMINISAT" and "PATH_STP" in "basic/" and "".
Switch to the folder "MiMC" and edit "" to set the "Round" and block size "n" you are interested in.
Type python3
in the console to run the program.