An AI-powered time management web application that analyzes students’ schedules, assignment deadlines, and preferences to create personalized task lists and schedules to enhance productivity and reduce stress.
Developed by Team 15 for QDS Hacks 2024. 🥉 Came in 3rd place in the hackathon.
View the live project here.
View the pitch video here.
Home Page | Calendar Page |
Profile Page | Edit Task Page |
Create Course Page | Create Task Page |
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS
- MongoDB
- OpenAI GPT
- Cloudinary
- Course and Task Management: Create and edit courses and tasks with deadlines and weights to prioritize tasks.
- Task Prioritization: Ora prioritizes tasks based on deadlines and weights to create a personalized task list.
- Calendar View: Visualize tasks and deadlines on a calendar to better manage time and plan ahead.
- AI Chatbot: Facilitate natural language conversations about task requirements, deadlines, and potential questions the user has about the file attached to a task.