Place configuration YAML files in priv/
directory of your root application.
Add following section to your config.exs
config :sweetconfig,
app: :name_of_your_application
Include :sweetconfig
into your app deps list.
Now you can read configuration at any point in your app like this:
Sweetconfig.get :somekey
Sweetconfig.get [:somekey, :somesubkey]
Sweetconfig.get :whatever, :default_value
It is possible to get notifications when a certain config value has changed during config reload.
path = [:root, :some, "nested", "value"]
Sweetconfig.subscribe path, self()
Sweetconfig.Utils.load_configs # assume this changes the value at the path above
receive do
{Sweetconfig.Pubsub, ^path, {:changed, old, new}} ->
IO.inspect old
IO.inspect new