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hansvancalster committed Feb 13, 2024
2 parents 78363a1 + 40d9629 commit db4808a
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Showing 4 changed files with 372 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions checklist.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,6 @@ spelling:
- .github
- source/r/geocomputations.R
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions data/landbouwgebruikspercelen/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions source/r/geocomputations.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
#' Convert a single point location to a grid cell polygon
#' @param xy an object of class POINT
#' @param cell_width_m cell width in meter, default 500
#' @param point_position default centre of grid cell
#' @param crs default EPSG code 31370
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
point_to_gridcell <- function(
cell_width_m = 500,
point_position = c("center", "lowerleft", "upperleft", "lowerright",
crs = 31370) {
point_position <- match.arg(point_position)

if (point_position != "center") stop(point_position, " not yet implemented")

stopifnot(sf::st_is(xy, "POINT"))
xy_df <- sf::st_drop_geometry(xy)
xy <- sf::st_geometry(xy)

# buffer with 1 point per quandrant
xy_buffer <- sf::st_buffer(x = xy,
dist = cell_width_m / 2,
nQuadSegs = 1)

# rotate 45 degrees around centroid
rot <- function(a) matrix(c(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)), 2, 2)
pl <- (xy_buffer - xy) * rot(pi/4) + xy

Check warning on line 33 in source/r/geocomputations.R

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / check project with checklist

file=source/r/geocomputations.R,line=33,col=34,[infix_spaces_linter] Put spaces around all infix operators.
pl <- sf::st_sf(data.frame(xy_df, pl), crs = crs)

#' Calculation of land-use metrics within a grid cell
#' @param grid_cell A polygon within which boundaries zonal statistics will be
#' calculated
#' @param layer A `rasterlayer` containing land use classes or a polygon layer
#' (sf object)
#' @param grid_group_by_col A character vector of columns to group by for zones
#' @param layer_group_by_col A character vector of columns to group by for
#' layer
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
landusemetrics_grid_cell <- function(
grid_group_by_col = "POINT_ID",
layer_group_by_col = "",
progress = FALSE
) {
if (inherits(layer, "SpatRaster") | inherits(layer, "RasterLayer")) {

Check warning on line 61 in source/r/geocomputations.R

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GitHub Actions / check project with checklist

file=source/r/geocomputations.R,line=61,col=37,[vector_logic_linter] Conditional expressions require scalar logical operators (&& and ||)
crs_grid <- gsub("^((.*?),\\n\\s*?){2}", "", sf::st_crs(grid_cell)$wkt)
crs_layer <- gsub("^((.*?),\\n\\s*?){2}", "", terra::crs(layer))
assertthat::assert_that(crs_grid == crs_layer)

landcoverfraction <- function(df) {
df %>%

Check warning on line 67 in source/r/geocomputations.R

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GitHub Actions / check project with checklist

file=source/r/geocomputations.R,line=67,col=10,[object_usage_linter] no visible global function definition for '%>%'

Check warning on line 67 in source/r/geocomputations.R

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file=source/r/geocomputations.R,line=67,col=10,[object_usage_linter] no visible global function definition for '%>%'
mutate(frac_total = coverage_fraction / sum(coverage_fraction)) %>%
group_by(!!!syms(grid_group_by_col), value) %>%
summarize(freq = sum(frac_total), .groups = "drop_last")

res <- exactextractr::exact_extract(
x = layer,
y = grid_cell,
fun = landcoverfraction,
summarize_df = TRUE,
include_cols = grid_group_by_col,
progress = progress)



if (inherits(layer, "sf")) {
assertthat::assert_that(sf::st_crs(grid_cell)$wkt == sf::st_crs(layer)$wkt)

int <- st_intersection(layer, grid_cell)

cell_areas <- grid_cell %>%
select(!!!syms(grid_group_by_col)) %>%
mutate(cell_area = sf::st_area(geometry)) %>%

temparrow <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet")

int$area <- sf::st_area(int$geometry)
int <- int %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
inner_join(cell_areas, by = grid_group_by_col) %>%
arrow::write_dataset(path = temparrow)

int <- arrow::open_dataset(temparrow) %>%
arrow::to_duckdb() %>%
cell_area) %>%
summarise(area_m2 = sum(area)) %>%
mutate(area_prop = area_m2 / cell_area) %>%


252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions source/rmarkdown/metadata_bodemstalen.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
title: "Verkenning metadata eDNA bodemstalen"
author: "Hans Van Calster, Bruno De Vos"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
toc: true
toc_depth: 2
toc_float: true
code_folding: "hide"

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
opts_knit$set(root.dir = here::here())
opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
conflicted::conflicts_prefer(dplyr::select, dplyr::filter)

# Inlezen data

```{r inlezen}
mbag_shared_drive <- "G:/Gedeelde drives/PRJ_MBAG"
bodem_meta <- read_excel(
sheet = "Alle_stalen"
) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(mbag_e_dna_staal = factor(mbag_e_dna_staal),
mbag_nematodenstaal = factor(mbag_nematodenstaal))
nematodenstalen <- read_excel(
sheet = "Subset_nematodenstalen_ILVO"
) %>%

```{r inlezen-gis}
filepath <- "Z:/Projects/PRJ_MBAG/4c_bodembiodiversiteit/steekproef/MBAG_eDNA_sampling"
bodem_meta_sf <- read_sf(filepath) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
mutate(mbag_e_dna = factor(mbag_e_dna)) %>%
st_transform(crs = 31370)

Dit overzicht omvat de Cmon plots en alle ingevroren eDNA stalen momenteel beschikbaar bij ILVO en de stalen van residentiële graslanden en natuurgraslanden bij INBO.


Onderstaande tabel geeft het aantal stalen die we kunnen opnemen in de eDNA analyse (alle 344 stalen van ILVO) en een selectie van 101 INBO stalen.
Er is ook aangegeven welke plots voorlopig zijn geselecteerd (op basis van landgebruik).
In de samenwerkingsovereenkomst met ILVO hebben we het over 450 stalen voor eDNA analyse.
Dit komt neer op alle locaties met grasland of akker als landgebruik waarvan er al een bodemstaal beschikbaar is.

bodem_meta %>%
filter(mbag_e_dna_staal == 1) %>%
count(staalopslag, diepte, mbag_luc) %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = n,
names_from = diepte,
names_prefix = "diepte_")

De missing data bij `mbag_luc`, kunnen we ondervangen via `cmon_lu_text`:

bodem_meta %>%
filter(mbag_e_dna_staal == 1) %>%
mutate(mbag_luc = ifelse(, cmon_l_utext, mbag_luc),
mbag_luc = ifelse(mbag_luc == "Akkerland", "Akker", mbag_luc)) %>%
count(staalopslag, diepte, mbag_luc) %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = n,
names_from = diepte,
names_prefix = "diepte_")

Hoe belangrijk zijn de 0-10 cm versus 10-30 cm stalen voor eDNA?

In `nematodenstalen` zitten alle plots waarvan ILVO nematodenstalen heeft binnengekregen en geëxtraheerd.


bodem_locs_meta_sf <- bodem_meta_sf %>%
mutate(mbag_luc = ifelse(, cmon_l_utext, mbag_luc),
mbag_luc = ifelse(mbag_luc == "Akkerland", "Akker", mbag_luc)) %>%
select(plot_id, diepte, starts_with("mbag")) %>%
group_by(plot_id, mbag_luc, mbag_e_dna) %>%
summarise(dieptes = paste(diepte, collapse = " en "),
.groups = "drop")

Een deel van de plots zijn momenteel nog in analyse, maar binnenkort hebben we wel alle fysico-chemische Cmon data (textuur, pH, C, N , bulk densiteit) en metadata (foto's proefvlakken, vegetatiebeschrijving, condities bij staalname,...).

# Verkenning

## Verdeling over landbouwstreken

```{r landbouwstreken}
landbouwstreken <- read_sf(
"S:/Vlaanderen/Landbouw/Landbouwstreken_België/Lbstrbel.shp") %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
st_transform(crs = 31370)
bodem_locs_meta_sf <- bodem_locs_meta_sf %>%
st_join(landbouwstreken %>% select(landbouwstreek = naam))

bodem_locs_meta_sf %>%
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = landbouwstreken %>%
aes(fill = naam),
alpha = 0.2) +
geom_sf_text(data = landbouwstreken %>%
aes(label = naam)) +
geom_sf(aes(colour = mbag_e_dna)) +
guides(fill = "none")

Aantal wel of niet geselecteerde locaties opgedeeld volgens landbouwstreek.
In `Duinen` en `Weidestreek (Luik)` zitten dan te weinig data.
We kunnen deze beter verwijderen.

bodem_locs_meta_sf %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
count(mbag_e_dna, landbouwstreek, name = "aantal_locaties") %>%
mutate(mbag_e_dna = factor(
labels = c("niet geselecteerd", "wel geselecteeerd"))) %>%
names_from = mbag_e_dna,
values_from = aantal_locaties,
values_fill = 0) %>%

Wanneer we deze data (enkel de wel geselecteerde locaties en zonder Duinen en Weidestreek) verder opsplitsen over de landgebruiken bekomen we:

bodem_locs_meta_sf %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
filter(mbag_e_dna == 1,
!landbouwstreek %in% c("Duinen", "Weidestreek (Luik)")) %>%
count(mbag_e_dna, mbag_luc, landbouwstreek, name = "aantal_locaties") %>%
names_from = mbag_luc,
values_from = aantal_locaties,
values_fill = 0) %>%
select(-mbag_e_dna) %>%

Vermits het om een GRTS steekproef gaat, kunnen we in principe verwachten dat de verdeling van het aantal locaties over de verschillende combinaties van landbouwstreek en landgebruik, min of meer evenredig is met het oppervlakte-aandeel van deze combinaties.
Om voor individuele combinaties van strata uitspraken te doen, hebben we dan echter vaak te weinig data.

## Informatie van landbouwgebruikspercelen

We berekenen de landbouwhoofdteelten (2022) in buffer van 10 m rond elke locatie en vatten dit verder samen op niveau van gewasgroep.

lbg_binding <- arrow::open_dataset(
bodem_locs_lbg <- landusemetrics_grid_cell(
grid_cell = bodem_locs_meta_sf %>%
st_buffer(dist = 10),
layer = lbg_binding %>%
select(LBLHFDTLT, geometry) %>%
sfarrow::read_sf_dataset() %>%
grid_group_by_col = "plot_id",
layer_group_by_col = "LBLHFDTLT")
mapping <- lbg_binding %>%
collect() %>%
bodem_locs_lbg <- bodem_locs_lbg %>%

De kolom samenstelling geeft de samenstelling van gewasgroepen rond de eDNA bodemstaalnamelocaties.

```{r landbouwhoofdteelt}
bodem_locs_meta_sf %>%
left_join(bodem_locs_lbg %>%
group_by(plot_id, GEWASGROEP) %>%
summarise(area_prop = sum(area_prop)) %>%
summarise(samenstelling = paste(
paste0(GEWASGROEP, " (", round(area_prop, 2), ")"),
collapse = " - "
))) %>%
filter(mbag_e_dna == 1) %>%
count(mbag_luc, samenstelling) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
rename(aantal_locaties = n) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%

## Overlap met meetnet akkervogels?

Voorlopig enkel Leemstreek en Zandleemstreek (en een deel van de Polders).


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