This is an example of Spring Boot source weaving (compile time) with AspectJ.
AspectJ source weaving is compile-time weaving when all source code is available including annotation class, aspect class, and target class.
The AspectJ compiler (ajc
) processes the source code and generates woven
byte code. All the source code should be present together at the compile time.
Due to the proxy-based nature of Spring’s AOP framework, calls within the target object are by definition not intercepted.
For JDK proxies, only public interface method calls on the proxy can be intercepted. With CGLIB, public and protected method calls on the proxy will be intercepted, and even package-visible methods if necessary.
You can find more here.
In other words,
Any call to a private method will not be intercepted. Please refer to the second point mentioned above.
Any call to method methodB of class ClassX* from methodA of class ClassX will not be intercepted since they belong to the same target object. Please refer to the first point above.
AspectJ source weaving will help you get past the above limitations posed by Spring AOP.
- A
annotation to intercept any method.
public @interface CustomAnnotation {
String description() default "";
- A
aspect to intercept any method marked with@CustomAnnotation
. It prints out the name of the intercepted class and method.
public class CustomAnnotationAspect {
@Before("@annotation(anno) && execution(* *(..))")
public void inspectMethod(JoinPoint jp, CustomAnnotation anno) {
"Entering CustomAnnotationAspect.inspectMethod() in class "
+ jp.getSignature().getDeclaringTypeName()
+ " - method: " + jp.getSignature().getName()
+ " description: " + anno.description());
- The
class is the example where the@CustomAnnotation
is used. The private methodvalidateRequest
is called fromcreate
method. Thecreate
method is annotated with Spring's@Transactional
public class BookService {
private BookRepository repository;
public BookService(BookRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
public Book create(BookRequest request) {
Book entity = validateRequest(request);
public Book read(UUID id) {
return repository.getOne(id);
@CustomAnnotation(description = "Validates book request.")
private Book validateRequest(BookRequest request) {"Validating book request!");
Assert.notNull(request, "Book request cannot be empty!");
Assert.notNull(request.getTitle(), "Book title cannot be missing!");
Assert.notNull(request.getAuthor(), "Book author cannot be missing!");
Book entity = new Book();
return entity;
Annotation such as @Aspect
, @Pointcut
, and @Before
are in aspectjrt.jar
The aspectjrt.jar
and must be in the classpath regardless of whether
the aspects in the code are compiled with ajc
or javac
The aspectjweaver.jar
contains the AspectJ wevaing classes. The weaver is
responsible for mapping crosscutting elements to Java constructs.
The aspectj-maven-plugin
plugin is used for weaving AspectJ aspects into
the classes using ajc
(AspectJ compiler) during compile time.
<sources />
The lombok-maven-plugin
is required only if any of the classes uses Lombok
annotations. The Lombok annotated classes are delomboked before compiled with
the ajc
To build the JAR, execute the following command from the parent directory:
mvn clean install
Run the executable jar from the command to start the application,
java -jar spring-source-weaving-example-1.0.0.jar
Once the application starts up at port 8080
, you can access the swagger UI at
. From the UI, you can create and retrieve
book entities.
Once you create a book entity, you should notice the following message on the terminal:
2018-02-08 09:46:55.429 INFO 29924 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] c.basaki.aspect.CustomAnnotationAspect : Entering CustomAnnotationAspect.inspectMethod() in class com.basaki.service.BookService - method: validateRequest description: Validates book request.
2018-02-08 09:46:55.429 INFO 29924 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] com.basaki.service.BookService : Validating book request!