A java implementation of the board game RoboRally for the INF112 subject at the University of Bergen.
This project is an approximation of the original version of RoboRally, a tabletop board game, in Java using libGDX and Tiled game framework and Kryonet for LAN/WAN multiplayer.
There are no prebuilt binaries as of now, here are instructions on how to build this project. Maven shade is included to shade in needed dependencies to the resulting jar file.
Java 13+
Maven (for CLI usage)
$ mvn package
IDEA should download and install Maven automatically.
Double-click on the package item under lifecycle, found
one the right side under the Maven tab.
After a successful build, you can run the jar
java -jar target/RoboRally-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
to run a multiplayer game, make sure that port
is open.
Simply open the pom.xml file in any Java IDE like IntellIJ IDEA.
Documentation on contributing using git, see Git Contributing Guidelines.
Documentation on map design, see Board Design Protocol.
Run Main from an IDE.
Debugging can be customized by changing values in Debugging.java. To enable various debugging levels set the corresponding area to debug to true.
To run the automated tests, simply run mvn test
from the command line, or run the test lifecycle from an IDE.
While developing, run the tests from your IDE.
For å bidra med kode, følger vi følgende prosedyre:
Make a new branch off the desired branch.
$ git checkout -b <name> origin/master
Now you may work on the project.
Commit your code when it is ready.
Add any new files that should be included. This command adds all new files.
$ git add .
Then make a commit:
$ git commit -m "Commit message detailing changes."
Before pushing remember to update the local files from the git repo:
$ git pull origin master
Solve any potential merge conflicts in an IDE such as IntelliJ.
Now you are ready to push your branch containing the new changes.
$ git push origin <name>
When the your branch with the new changes are pushed, make a new pull request
to merge these changes with the master branch.
Before a pull request is merged it must be approved by one of the team members.
When you make a pull request you may link to issues that have been fiksed by your code changes.
This will will automatically close said issues when the pull request is approved.
Ref til docs om dette
It is possible to close multiple issues this way.
See Issues
Robot spawn direction
Special tiles
All documentation can be found in the RoboRally Wiki at
For class diagram, see the Wiki.