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Releases: infernojs/inferno

Inferno 3.0.5

19 Apr 05:38
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Fixes inferno-mobx connect function second parameter type (TS)
Minor performance boost to inferno-mobx integration by switching createElement to createVNode for component wrappers
Ensure component callback context is component when having multiple callbacks in queue

Inferno 3.0.4

13 Apr 14:33
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Fixes bug where event listeners does not get removed. #1028

Inferno 3.0.3

11 Apr 05:41
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Fixes import isUnitlessNumber so it can be used in Server side. #997

Inferno 3.0.2

10 Apr 22:45
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Added internal functions to Inferno default export, this resolves issues with Webpack imports.

Inferno 3.0.1

10 Apr 21:58
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Lock all inferno packages with exact version. Bump version string to 3.0.1

Inferno 3.0.0

10 Apr 21:41
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Inferno versioning changes to follow semantic versioning system. This means any kind of breaking change will ship with major version increase.
babel-plugin-inferno will now be in same major version range with Inferno packages.


Minor performance improvements
Synthetic events now have currentTarget property in event parameter again :)


Inferno now compiles with strictNullChecks on
Added more type information to public APIs

ES6 Component

Minor performance improvements
componentDidUpdate now sends lastState correctly


Allows to use Route without component prop #998
Fixes percentage encoded url values #1002

Multiple bug fixes:

Inferno 1.6.2

05 Apr 20:49
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Fixes issue with range type of input where defaultValue was not applied correctly. #999 Extra properties are now set before setting value for inputs.

Inferno 1.6.1

04 Apr 21:39
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Fixes bug where ref callback was not called.

Inferno 1.6.0

03 Apr 18:20
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  • Public functions in inferno core now have jsDoc annotations so they can be properly compressed by Google closure compiler. It also provides type information for non typescript environments

ES6 Component

  • setState will now switch to async as per React. setStateSync has been deprecated and will be removed in future release. They are identical now.
  • setState callbacks now have caller component context and they don't need to be bound.
  • calling setState from Component constructor will now fail to validation error.

Reminer: JSX users make sure you have babel-plugin-inferno v3+ or you will get undefined props.

Inferno 1.5.6

30 Mar 20:01
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Simplified controlled elements logic. Fixes issue where onClick was triggered twice for radio buttons. #983

Minor internal code clean up.