Target / Integrative Genetic Element Retriever
Mageeney CM, Lau BY, Wagner JW, Hudson CM, Schoeniger JS, Krishnakumar R and Williams KP. 2020. New candidates for regulated gene integrity revealed through precise mapping of integrative genetic elements. Nucleic Acids Research 48(8):4052-4065 (
git clone
User should have a reference genome blast database available, such as refseq_genomic
User should download Pfam-A.hmm from pfam (we currently use the version from July 2010) and place it or a symbolic link to it in the TIGERPATH/db directory
ln -s /ABSOLUTE_PATH/Pfam-A.hmm TIGERPATH/db/Pfam-A.hmm
The following programs (with suggested versions) must be properly installed and in the user's path:
- blastn, blastdbcmd, makeblastdb 2.6.0+
- prokka 1.11
- bedtools 2.27.1
- tRNAscan-SE 2.0.2
- cmscan 1.1.2
- Perl Core: List::Util, File::Spec, Cwd, Getopt::Long
- Perl Noncore: IPC::Run3
Requires a .fa file and .tax file in the same folder with the same prefix, as at TIGERPATH/testdata The tab-separated fields of the one-line .tax file are:
- taxid
- organism
- Division;Phylum;Class;Order;Family;Genus;Species
- Genetic code (see
- Nickname (short name for organism, eg Eco837 for the 837th E. coli genome)
Sample calls to try within /testdata (PATH: to TIGER installation; DB: to reference genome blast database)
perl PATH/ -verbose genome.fa &> islander.log
perl PATH/ -verbose -db DB -fasta genome.fa &> tiger.log
perl PATH/ mixed > resolved.gff 2> resolved.log
perl PATH/bin/ resolved.gff &> typing.log
before rerunning rm genome.stats
before rerunning rm genome.island.nonoverlap.gff