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Part 1. Hardware Requirements

jrbail01 edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 4 revisions

Grove Pi Hardware Setup

Here is a list of every part that we need to get our Pi Zero up and running for a web-connected project:

The total comes to $41.50 just to make the Pi Zero useful (this assumes you already have a USB keyboard/mouse and an HDMI monitor). If we assume that we will put together multiple projects with multiple Pi Zeros, we can reuse the same mini HDMI adapter and USB hub. The base cost for each Pi Zero still runs $29.50.

Let's add on the cost of our GrovePi Zero and the two sensors we will use:

That is $53 worth of add-ons. That makes the total cost for this project $94.50 ($82.50 if we ignore the USB hub and HDMI adapter).

Ideally, a project like this one would cost $65-$70. The GrovePi Zero's $28 price tag is simply too high. Other pHATs cost quite a bit less with onboard functionality like Red Bear's IoT pHAT for WiFi+BTLE ($17) and Pimoroni's Enviro pHAT ($20). The GrovePi Zero feels like it should be $15-$17.

<< Part 1: GrovePi Zero Hardware - Part 1: Plug-N-Stream Sensors >>