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SSL Forge


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ssl-forge Maven Central

ssl-forge is a Java library designed to enhance SSL/TLS configurations by providing advanced mechanisms for managing and validating X509 certificates. It allows you to define custom trust management strategies and supports multiple TrustManager implementations through a composite pattern.


  • Composite Trust Management: Combines multiple TrustManager implementations for server and client certificate validation.
  • Customizable Trust Strategies: Define your own strategies for handling certificate validation failures.
  • Client and Server Support: Independently manage client and server trust validation.
  • Streamlined API: Easy-to-use builder for creating SSLContext instances.


Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.inomera.telco:ssl-forge:1.0.0'

For Maven, include the dependency:



1. Creating a CompositeX509TrustManager

The CompositeX509TrustManager allows you to combine multiple TrustManager implementations and apply custom strategies for handling trust failures.

X509TrustManager trustManager1 = ...; // Define your first TrustManager
X509TrustManager trustManager2 = ...; // Define your second TrustManager

TrustManagerStrategy strategy = new TrustManagerStrategy() {
    public void onClientTrustFailure(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {
        throw new CertificateException("Client certificate validation failed for authType: " + authType);

    public void onServerTrustFailure(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {
        throw new CertificateException("Server certificate validation failed for authType: " + authType);

CompositeX509TrustManager compositeTrustManager = new CompositeX509TrustManager(strategy, trustManager1, trustManager2);

2. Using the MultiTrustSSLContextBuilder

Easily build an SSLContext with the provided builder:

MultiTrustSSLContextBuilder sslContextBuilder = MultiTrustSSLContextBuilder.create()
    .loadTrustMaterial("path/to/truststore.jks", "truststorePassword".toCharArray());

SSLContext sslContext =;

3. Example: Secure Client Configuration

Use the SSLContext to configure a secure HTTP client:

SSLContext sslContext =;

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder()

Key Classes

1. CompositeX509TrustManager

A composite implementation of X509TrustManager that evaluates multiple trust managers.

  • Constructor:

    public CompositeX509TrustManager(TrustManagerStrategy strategy, X509TrustManager... trustManagers)
  • Methods:

    • checkClientTrusted: Validates client certificates.
    • checkServerTrusted: Validates server certificates.

2. TrustManagerStrategy

An interface for defining custom trust failure handling strategies.

  • Methods:
    • onClientTrustFailure: Called when client certificates fail validation.
    • onServerTrustFailure: Called when server certificates fail validation.

3. MultiTrustSSLContextBuilder

The MultiTrustSSLContextBuilder is an enhanced version of the widely used org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContextBuilder class. While the original SSLContextBuilder provides a convenient way to configure and build an SSLContext instance, it has some limitations.

MultiTrustSSLContextBuilder class is a builder for creating SSLContext instances with custom trust managers.

Gradle Java 17

If your JAVA_HOME is not Java17, create a file in project home and add this line: