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@insights-engineering-bot insights-engineering-bot released this 24 Feb 03:36
· 3 commits to main since this release

New features

  • Possible to call ui_teal and srv_teal directly in any application by delivering data argument as a reactive returning teal_data object (#669).
  • Since introduction of ui_teal and srv_teal functions, the id argument in init is being deprecated (#1438).
  • Introduce ui_session_info and srv_session_info shiny module to create the user session info and teal app lockfile download button.
  • Introduced teal_transform_module to provide a way to interactively modify data delivered to teal_module's server and to decorate module outputs, along with a vignette to demonstrate its usage (#1228, #1384).
  • Introduced a new argument once = FALSE in teal_data_module to possibly reload data during a run time.
  • Possibility to download lockfile to restore app session for reproducibility (#479).
  • Datasets which name starts with . are ignored when module's datanames is set as "all".
  • Added warning when reserved datanames, such as all and .raw_data are being used.
  • Added add_custom_server() to allow adding custom server logic to the main shiny server function of a teal app.

Breaking changes

  • Setting datanames() on data passed to teal application no longer has effect. In order to change teal_module's
    datanames one should modify module$datanames.
  • landing_popup_module() is deprecated. Please use add_landing_modal() function to add a landing popup for your teal application.
  • teal no longer re-export %>%. Please load library(magrittr) instead or use |> from base.
  • build_app_title will be removed in the future release. Please use the modify_title() function to change the title for your teal application.
  • The title, header, and footer arguments of the init() function are deprecated. Please use the modify_title, modify_header, and modify_footer respectively.


  • Enhanced a system of data validation and a display of error messages.
  • Easier way of to call javascript events by setting $(document).ready(function() { ... }) (#1114).
  • Provided progress bar for modules loading and data filtering during teal app startup.
  • Filter mapping display has a separate icon in the tab.
  • Environment of the data passed to the teal_module's server consists unfiltered datasets contained in .raw_data.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.15.2...v0.16.0