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Feature Scratchpad

grgustaf edited this page May 22, 2012 · 30 revisions

This is a page to quickly record feature ideas that we will consider working on in upcoming milestones but aren't written up as formal plans yet.

Let's designate user impact and implementation complexity on a scale of 1-5: 1 (trivial/cosmetic), 2 (minor), 3 (useful), 4 (major), 5 (fundamental). Things with high impact but low complexity would be the best "bang for the buck". Source is who came up with it, in case we want to ask them for clarification later.

Future Feature Ideas

Impact Complexity Description Source
3 2 Support data-add-back-btn on header elements. More generally, support everything from Max
3 1 Support data-rel="back" on button elements. Geoff
4 2 Support image elements using <img> tag. Max
4 4 Support generic blocks of HTML code. We should allow users to add blocks of custom HTML, with <div>, <h1>, <p>, <br>, etc. We need to carefully sanitize such HTML input though to make sure it can't break our user interface, much like how a wiki page allows a certain HTML subset to be used. This is a major effort to get right, unfortunately. Various
4 2 Support images and links in the header element. We should allow users to put an image in the header instead of text, and be able to make the center image or text into a link. These could just be additional properties on the header element. Or we could have a new "Image Header" element. Geoff
3 2-4 Support specifically setting a header button to the right-hand side. The problem here is mainly dealing with the fact that it's "just a button" but has a special property when and only when it's in a header. One solution would be to have a special "Header Button" element that has this property, but it's nicer if we can leave Button more generic. So perhaps a better option would be to have an extra property show up on the Button when it finds itself in a header. A related feature is allowing the user to actually drop the button on the right side of the header, and have it stay there and configure the added element with this "right" property set. Geoff
4 3 Support adding and editing a CSS stylesheet file for the project. Rather than try to expose lots of individual CSS features maybe we should start with just letting the user add a CSS stylesheet, we include it for them in the generated code and in the preview, but not layout view, and let them edit it directly. Maybe we can detect if it has a parse error in the preview, and disable it w/ a warning, and also let the user toggle their CSS on and off there. Geoff
2 2 Add an export dialog. When the export button is clicked, it would be nicer to go to a landing page/dialog that lets the user confirm what they're doing. This would also give us a place to add the decision to export just JSON or the full ZIP. I like how jQuery Mobile's Theme Roller handles their Download button, that's more natural than what we do now. Geoff
2 2 Add trash can for drag-and-drop deletion. Currently the user adds widgets with drag-and-drop, but has to press the Delete key, or select a widget and go to Properties for the delete button. It might be better to have a trash can drop target appear somewhere. This should probably be considered by UX folks first. Chao
2 1 Add background texture to the Preview tab. A good suggestion that the white background doesn't set the device off very well. Chao suggests a darker color, I'm thinking maybe some kind of texture, even just the grid from the layout view for now. Chao
1 2 Add user preference for tabs vs. spaces or number of spaces (e.g. 2, 4, 8) for indentation. Even though we all know 4 spaces is correct. :) Geoff
3 3 Support adding event handlers to widgets. The challenges here are how to write out the JavaScript code in a useful, extensible way. Also I think we should start with the most obviously useful handlers, like click handlers, not just add a huge laundry list immediately. Preferably we would study existing jQM app practices. John
3 3 Restore cross-browser support. Determine the places where we've become dependent on Chrome/Chromium and come with cross-browser solutions to work on Firefox, IE, and beyond. John
3 5 Support fully online operation, saving projects on the server. Requires user login and back end support. Probably requires UX input on how to explicitly save/sync. John
3 3 Support 'uploading' file resources to the project such as images, CSS, etc. Eventually we will probably need the flexibility to organize things in folders, so that generated code doesn't have to be restructured by the user manually later. But a good first step would simply be to create fixed directories: images go in an images/ subdirectory, for instance. Expect to someday support multiple generated HTML files, imported image files, generated and imported JS files, generated and imported CSS files. John
5 4 Support generating UI elements based on a data source. The main idea would be to templatize part of the UI so that a list could be generated dynamically at run time from a database query. The simplest thing would be to support JSON query results. We could examine the JSON structure and propose the available fields, then let the user tie those fields to a template structure: the name of a person becomes button text, a boolean determines the presence of a certain icon, etc. We could then write out the JavaScript for generating the items. Shane
3 3 Support user-created composite widgets. Let the user select a widget sub-tree (possibly multi-select) from the design canvas and create a new template object out of it. They name it, and it would show up in the palette. The properties they had set on the widgets would be saved so when they drag the new "composite widget" on to the design canvas, the properties would already be set. As a simple example, today we have Vertical Button Group but no Horizontal Button Group. With this feature, the user could take a Vertical Button Group, toggle it to horizontal, and then save that as a "user-created" Horizontal Button Group, which would work fine. A more complex example would be creating a canned Footer for "Acme, Inc." with several buttons and links configured. That would become part of the palette so they could easily add the whole thing to any page. Xu
2 2 Display code for a given element in the design layout when you hover over it. This would be perhaps after a significant delay like 0.5-1.0s, or while a certain mode toggle button is depressed. Max
2 3 Add drag-and-drop docking of views like Outline/Properties/Palette or whole panels. Max
2 1 Add audio: warning sound when an error occurs or invalid drop attempted. It should be a very simple warning bell, nothing too irritating. :) Max
5 3 Support additional jQuery Mobile widgets and properties. Currently we support probably 80-90% of major jQM features (e.g. unique widgets) and perhaps 50% of jQM properties. Scour docs to identify additional ones and support them, aiming at 100%. Also, start tracking changes with new versions of jQM and make sure we add support for new things. Max
5 4 Support additional web-ui-fw widgets and properties. Currently we support around 25% of the Web UI Framework widgets, with very little thought as to properties on them. Enhance this support, aiming at 100%, and tracking changes to the library. Help with developing sample applications using the widgets and give feedback to the developers. Max
4 3 Make use of the contentEditable feature in the design view. Allows the user to edit text in place where it appears in the design view, rather than having to find the corresponding property. Shane
4 2 Allow importing projects from a URL. The main goal here would be that we could have a URL that would open up the online version of RIB with the project you point to. The import should have a "security" check that lets the user confirm whether they want to import the project. This would be a nice way to be able to point to sample applications and let people easily bring them into RIB. Geoff
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