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add UDL classes version 4.9.5 and fix module.xml
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SergeyMi37 authored and nikitaeverywhere committed Oct 30, 2022
1 parent a3f3261 commit 6530382
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,960 additions and 1 deletion.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions build/cls/WebTerminal/Analytics.cls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/// This class includes methods which collect WebTerminal's analytics such as error and installation reports.
Class WebTerminal.Analytics

/// This method sends a report about installation status, including error message if any errors happened.
ClassMethod ReportInstallStatus(status As %Status = 1, type As %String = "Install") As %Status
set req = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
set req.Server = ""
do req.EntityBody.Write("v=1&tid=UA-83005064-2&cid="_##class(%SYS.System).InstanceGUID()
_"&t=event&aiid="_$ZCONVERT($zv, "O", "URL")_"&ec="_$ZCONVERT(type, "O", "URL")_"&ea="
_$case($$$ISOK(status), 1: "Success", : "Failure")_"&el="
_$ZCONVERT($System.Status.GetErrorText(status), "O", "URL"))
try {
return req.Post("/collect")
} catch e {
write "Unable to send analytics to " _ req.Server _ ", skipping analytics collection."
return $$$OK


84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions build/cls/WebTerminal/Autocomplete.cls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Class WebTerminal.Autocomplete Extends Common

/// Returns a comma-delimited string of globals names in the namespace, which begin from "beginning".
ClassMethod GetGlobals(namespace As %String = "%SYS", beginning As %String = "") As %String
set result = ""
set pattern = beginning _ "*"
new $Namespace
set $Namespace = namespace
set rset = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%SYS.GlobalQuery:NameSpaceList")
do rset.Execute($Namespace, pattern, 1)
while (rset.Next()) {
set result = result _ $case(result = "", 1:"", :",") _ rset.GetData(1)
return result

/// Returns a comma-delimited string of class names in the namespace, which begin from "beginning".
ClassMethod GetClass(namespace As %String = "%SYS", beginning As %String = "") As %String
new $Namespace
set $Namespace = namespace
set pattern = $REPLACE(beginning, "%", "!%") _ "%"
&sql(select LIST(ID) into :ids from %Dictionary.CompiledClass where ID like :pattern ESCAPE '!' and deployed <> 2)
return ids

/// Returns a comma-delimited string of public class members (accessible through ##class() construction) in the class of namespace.
ClassMethod GetPublicClassMembers(namespace As %String = "%SYS", className As %String = "", beginning As %String = "") As %String
new $Namespace
set $Namespace = namespace
set pattern = $REPLACE(beginning, "%", "!%") _ "%"
&sql(select LIST(Name) into :names from %Dictionary.CompiledMethod WHERE parent=:className AND ClassMethod=1 AND Name like :pattern ESCAPE '!')
return names

/// Returns a comma-delimited string of class members in the class of namespace.
ClassMethod GetClassMembers(namespace As %String = "%SYS", className As %String = "", beginning As %String = "", methodsOnly = "") As %String
new $Namespace
set $Namespace = namespace
if $EXTRACT(beginning, 1) = "#" {
set ps = ..GetParameters(namespace, className, $EXTRACT(beginning, 2, $LENGTH(beginning)))
return:(ps = "") ps
return "#"_$REPLACE(ps, ",", ",#")
set pattern = $REPLACE(beginning, "%", "!%") _ "%"
set props = ""
&sql(select LIST(Name) into :methods from %Dictionary.CompiledMethod WHERE parent=:className AND Private = 0 AND Name like :pattern ESCAPE '!')
if (methodsOnly = "") {
&sql(select LIST(Name) into :props from %Dictionary.CompiledProperty WHERE parent=:className AND Name like :pattern ESCAPE '!')
return $case((methods '= "") && (props '= ""), 1: methods _ "," _ props, : methods _ props)

/// Returns a comma-delimited string of class members in the class of namespace.
ClassMethod GetParameters(namespace As %String = "%SYS", className As %String = "", beginning As %String = "") As %String
new $Namespace
set $Namespace = namespace
set pattern = $REPLACE(beginning, "%", "!%") _ "%"
&sql(select LIST(Name) into :names from %Dictionary.CompiledParameter WHERE parent=:className AND Name like :pattern ESCAPE '!')
return names

/// Returns a comma-delimited string of routine names in the namespace, which begin from "beginning".
ClassMethod GetRoutines(namespace As %String = "%SYS", beginning As %String = "") As %String
set result = ""
set pattern = beginning _ "*.*"
new $Namespace
set $Namespace = namespace
set rset = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%Library.Routine:RoutineList")
do rset.Execute(pattern, , , $Namespace)
while (rset.Next()) {
set result = result _ $case(result = "", 1:"", :",") _ $PIECE(rset.GetData(1), ".", 1, *-1)
return result


131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions build/cls/WebTerminal/Common.cls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
Include %sySystem

Class WebTerminal.Common

/// Interprocess communication cannot handle big messages at once, so they need to be split.
Parameter ChunkSize = 45;

/// Send the chunk of data to another process. The process need to receive the chunk with the
/// appropriate function ReceiveChunk. Consider event length less than 44 characters long.
ClassMethod SendChunk(pid As %Numeric, flag As %String, data As %String = "") As %Status
set pos = 1
set len = $LENGTH(data) + 1 // send the last empty message if the data size = ChunkSize
for {
try {
set st = $system.Event.Signal(
$LB(flag, $EXTRACT(data, pos, pos + ..#ChunkSize - 1))
} catch (e) { return $$$NOTOK }
if (st '= 1) { return $$$NOTOK }
set pos = pos + ..#ChunkSize
if (pos > len) { quit }
return $$$OK

/// Receives the chunk of data from another process. Returns the $LISTBUILD string which contains
/// flag at the first position and string at the second. This method also terminates the process
/// if the parent process is gone.
ClassMethod ReceiveChunk(timeout As %Numeric = -1, masterProcess = 0) As %String
set flag = ""
set str = ""
set status = -1
for {
set message = $system.Event.WaitMsg("", $Case(timeout = -1, 1: 1, :timeout))
set status = $LISTGET(message, 1)
set data = $LISTGET(message, 2)
if (status <= 0) {
if ($ZPARENT '= 0) && ('$data(^$Job($ZPARENT))) {
do $system.Process.Terminate($JOB, 0)
return $LISTBUILD("e", $LISTBUILD("", "Parent process "_$JOB_" is gone"), -1)
if masterProcess && ($ZCHILD '= 0) && ('$data(^$Job($ZCHILD))) {
return $LISTBUILD("e", $LISTBUILD("", "Child process "_$ZCHILD_" is gone"), -1)
if (data = "") && (timeout = 0) quit
if (status <= 0) {
set:(timeout = 0) timeout = 1
set flag = $LISTGET(data, 1)
set m = $LISTGET(data, 2)
set str = str _ m
if (timeout = 0) set timeout = 1
quit:($LENGTH(m) '= ..#ChunkSize)
return $LISTBUILD(flag, str, status)

/// Returns the contents of the proxy object to the current device in JSON format.<br/>
/// This method is called when a proxy object is used in conjunction with
/// the <class>%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider</class> component.<br/>
/// <var>format</var> is a flags string to control output formatting options.<br/>
/// The following character option codes are supported:<br/>
/// 1-9 : indent with this number of spaces (4 is the default with the 'i' format specifier)<br/>
/// a - output null arrays/objects<br/>
/// b - line break before opening { of objects<br/>
/// c - output the Cach&eacute;-specific "_class" and "_id" properties (if a child property is an instance of a concrete object class)<br/>
/// e - output empty object properties<br/>
/// i - indent with 4 spaces unless 't' or 1-9<br/>
/// l - output empty lists<br/>
/// n - newline (lf)<br/>
/// o - output empty arrays/objects<br/>
/// q - output numeric values unquoted even when they come from a non-numeric property<br/>
/// s - use strict JSON output - <strong>NOTE:</strong> special care should be taken when sending data to a browser, as using this flag
/// may expose you to cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities if the data is sent inside <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tags. Zen uses
/// this technique extensively, so this flag should <strong>NOT</strong> be specified for jsonProviders in Zen pages.<br/>
/// t - indent with tab character<br/>
/// u - output pre-converted to UTF-8 instead of in native internal format<br/>
/// w - Windows-style cr/lf newline<br/>
ClassMethod GetJSONString(obj As %ZEN.proxyObject, format As %String = "aeos") As %String [ ProcedureBlock = 0 ]
set tOldIORedirected = ##class(%Device).ReDirectIO()
set tOldMnemonic = ##class(%Device).GetMnemonicRoutine()
set tOldIO = $io
try {
set str = ""
use $io::("^" _ $ZNAME)
do ##class(%Device).ReDirectIO(1)
do ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ObjectToJSON(obj,,,format)
} catch ex {
set str = ""
if (tOldMnemonic '= "") {
use tOldIO::("^" _ tOldMnemonic)
} else {
use tOldIO
do ##class(%Device).ReDirectIO(tOldIORedirected)
return str

do output($char(s))
do output($char(12))
do output($char(13,10))
do output(s)
do output($char(9))
set str = str _ s



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