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new configuration and translations
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Garfonso committed Oct 15, 2024
1 parent fdb9e83 commit 60be536
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Showing 17 changed files with 705 additions and 533 deletions.
46 changes: 21 additions & 25 deletions admin/i18n/de/translations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
"Button debounce period (ms)": "Schaltflächen Entprellzeit (ms)",
"Button double click period (ms)": "Doppelklickzeit (ms)",
"Button long press period (ms)": "Taste lange Druckdauer (ms)",
"Buttons are wired pull up": "Die Tasten sind hochgezogen",
"CPU": "CPU",
"Enable": "Aktivieren",
"Enabled": "Aktiviert",
"GPIOs": "GPIOs",
"Input debounce period (ms)": "Entprellungsperiode (ms) eingeben",
"Inputs are wired pull up": "Die Eingänge sind hochgezogen",
"Label": "Etikett",
"Memory": "Speicher",
"Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.": "Empfohlenes Minimum ist 2s. Auf Null setzen, um die Abfrage zu deaktivieren.",
"Network": "Netzwerk",
"Poll": "Pollen",
"Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)": "Abfrageintervall für DHTxx / AM23xx-Geräte (ms)",
"Port": "Port",
"Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins.": "Die Portnummern beziehen sich auf den Broadcom SOC-Kanal, nicht auf physische Pins.",
"RPI-Monitor Adapter settings": "RPI-Monitor Adapter-Einstellungen",
"Raspberry": "Raspberry",
"SDCard": "SD Karte",
"Memory": "Memory",
"Network": "Network",
"SDCard": "SD Card",
"Swap": "Swap",
"Temperature": "Temperatur",
"Type": "Typ",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"button": "Taste mit Klick, Doppelklick, langem Drücken usw.",
"MonitoringExplanation": "Wählen Sie aus, welche Elemente überwacht werden sollen. Sie werden regelmäßig befragt und bei Bedarf werden Zustände erstellt.",
"Monitoring": "Überwachung",
"GPIOs": "GPIOs",
"GPIOConfigExplanation": "Fügen Sie hier GPIO-Konfigurationen hinzu. Drücken Sie auf +, wählen Sie Eingabe oder Ausgabe aus und so weiter. Portnummern beziehen sich auf den Broadcom SOC-Kanal, nicht auf physische Pins. Geben Sie für Eingaben eine Entprellzeit in Millisekunden in die Spalte „Entprellung/Abfrage“ ein. Bei DHT11/22-Temperatursensoren ist der Wert in dieser Spalte das Abfrageintervall.",
"pullupwarning": "ACHTUNG: Pull-Up/Pull-Down wird derzeit nicht wirklich unterstützt. Es sollte in der Zukunft sein, aber es war nie in der Vergangenheit. Achten Sie darauf, dass nichts kaputt geht.",
"GPIO Number": "GPIO-Nummer",
"Type": "Typ",
"in": "Eingang",
"out": "Ausgang",
"outhigh": "Ausgang, Startwert 1",
"outlow": "Ausgang, Startwert 0"
"out": "Ausgabe",
"outhigh": "Ausgabe, Anfangswert 1",
"outlow": "Ausgabe, Anfangswert 0",
"DHT11": "DHT11 Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensor",
"DHT22": "DHT22/AM23xx Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensor",
"Debounce / Poll (ms)": "Entprellung / Abfrage (ms)",
"Pull Up": "Hochziehen",
"Pull Down": "Nach unten ziehen",
"Label": "Beschriftung",
"GPIOVauleERRORText": "Fehler: GPIO Nummer darf nicht leer sein, muss eindeutig sein und zwischen 2 und 27 liegen."
38 changes: 15 additions & 23 deletions admin/i18n/en/translations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,37 +1,29 @@
"Button debounce period (ms)": "Button debounce period (ms)",
"Button double click period (ms)": "Button double click period (ms)",
"Button long press period (ms)": "Button long press period (ms)",
"Buttons are wired pull up": "Buttons are wired pull up",
"CPU": "CPU",
"Enable": "Enable",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"GPIOs": "GPIOs",
"Input debounce period (ms)": "Input debounce period (ms)",
"Inputs are wired pull up": "Inputs are wired pull up",
"Label": "Label",
"Raspberry": "Raspberry",
"Memory": "Memory",
"Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.": "Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.",
"Network": "Network",
"Poll": "Poll",
"Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)": "Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)",
"Port": "Port",
"Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins.": "Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins.",
"RPI-Monitor Adapter settings": "RPI-Monitor Adapter settings",
"Raspberry": "Raspberry",
"SDCard": "SD Card",
"Swap": "Swap",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Type": "Type",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"button": "Button with click, double-click, long press, etc.",
"MonitoringExplanation": "Select which elements to monitor. They will be polled on a regular basis and states will be created as needed.",
"Monitoring": "Monitoring",
"GPIOs": "GPIOs",
"GPIOConfigExplanation": "Add GPIO configurations here. Press on +, select if input or output and so on. Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins. For inputs enter a debounce time in milliseconds into the Debounce / Poll column. For DHT11/22 Temperature sensors, the value in that column will be the poll interval.",
"pullupwarning": "WARNING: Pull up / Pull down is not really supported, currently. It should be in future, but it never was in the past. Be sure not to break anything.",
"GPIO Number": "GPIO Number",
"Type": "Type",
"in": "Input",
"out": "Output",
"outhigh": "Output, initial value 1",
"outlow": "Output, initial value 0",
"GPIOConfigExplanation": "Add GPIO configurations here. Press on +, select if input or output and so on. Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins. For inputs enter a debounce time in milliseconds into the Debounce / Poll column. For DHT11/22 Temperature sensors, the value in that column will be the poll interval.",
"MonitoringExplanation": "Select which elements to monitor. They will be polled on a regular basis and states will be created as needed.",
"pullupwarning": "WARNING: Pull up / Pull down is not really supported, currently. It should be in future, but it never was in the past. Be sure not to break anything.",
"GPIOVauleERRORText": "Error: GPIO must not be empty, must be unique and between 2 and 27."
"DHT11": "DHT11 Temperatur and Humidity Sensor",
"DHT22": "DHT22/AM23xx Temperatur and Humidity Sensor",
"Debounce / Poll (ms)": "Debounce / Poll (ms)",
"Pull Up": "Pull Up",
"Pull Down": "Pull Down",
"Label": "Label",
"GPIOVauleERRORText": "Error: GPIO Number must not be empty, must be unique and between 2 and 27."
54 changes: 25 additions & 29 deletions admin/i18n/es/translations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
"Button debounce period (ms)": "Período de rebote del botón (ms)",
"Button double click period (ms)": "Período de doble clic del botón (ms)",
"Button long press period (ms)": "Período de pulsación prolongada del botón (ms)",
"Buttons are wired pull up": "Los botones están conectados con cable",
"CPU": "UPC",
"Enable": "Habilitar",
"Enabled": "Habilitado",
"GPIOs": "GPIOs",
"Input debounce period (ms)": "Período de antirrebote de entrada (ms)",
"Inputs are wired pull up": "Las entradas están cableadas",
"Label": "Etiqueta",
"Memory": "Memoria",
"Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.": "El mínimo recomendado es 2 s. Establecer en cero para deshabilitar el sondeo.",
"Network": "Red",
"Poll": "Encuesta",
"Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)": "Intervalo de sondeo para dispositivos DHTxx / AM23xx (ms)",
"Port": "Puerto",
"Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins.": "Los números de puerto se refieren al canal Broadcom SOC, no a los pines físicos.",
"RPI-Monitor Adapter settings": "Configuración del adaptador RPI-Monitor",
"Raspberry": "Frambuesa",
"SDCard": "Tarjeta SD",
"Swap": "Intercambiar",
"Temperature": "Temperatura",
"Type": "Tipo",
"Uptime": "Tiempo de actividad",
"CPU": "CPU",
"Raspberry": "Raspberry",
"Memory": "Memory",
"Network": "Network",
"SDCard": "SD Card",
"Swap": "Swap",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"button": "Botón con clic, doble clic, pulsación larga, etc.",
"in": "Entrada",
"out": "Salida",
"MonitoringExplanation": "Seleccione qué elementos monitorear. Serán encuestados periódicamente y se crearán estados según sea necesario.",
"Monitoring": "Escucha",
"GPIOs": "GPIO",
"GPIOConfigExplanation": "Agregue configuraciones GPIO aquí. Presione +, seleccione si es entrada o salida, etc. Los números de puerto se relacionan con el canal SOC de Broadcom, no con los pines físicos. Para las entradas, ingrese un tiempo de rebote en milisegundos en la columna Antirrebote/Encuesta. Para los sensores de temperatura DHT11/22, el valor en esa columna será el intervalo de sondeo.",
"pullupwarning": "ADVERTENCIA: Pull up / Pull down no es realmente compatible actualmente. Debería serlo en el futuro, pero nunca lo fue en el pasado. Asegúrate de no romper nada.",
"GPIO Number": "Número GPIO",
"Type": "Tipo",
"in": "Aporte",
"out": "Producción",
"outhigh": "Salida, valor inicial 1",
"outlow": "Salida, valor inicial 0"
"outlow": "Salida, valor inicial 0",
"DHT11": "Sensor de temperatura y humedad DHT11",
"DHT22": "Sensor de temperatura y humedad DHT22/AM23xx",
"Debounce / Poll (ms)": "Antirrebote / Encuesta (ms)",
"Pull Up": "Levantar",
"Pull Down": "Derribar",
"Label": "Etiqueta",
"GPIOVauleERRORText": "Error: el número GPIO no debe estar vacío, debe ser único y estar entre 2 y 27."
52 changes: 24 additions & 28 deletions admin/i18n/fr/translations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
"Button debounce period (ms)": "Période anti-rebond du bouton (ms)",
"Button double click period (ms)": "Période de double clic sur le bouton (ms)",
"Button long press period (ms)": "Période de pression longue du bouton (ms)",
"Buttons are wired pull up": "Les boutons sont tirés vers le haut",
"CPU": "CPU",
"Enable": "Activer",
"Enabled": "Activée",
"GPIOs": "GPIO",
"Input debounce period (ms)": "Période anti-rebond d'entrée (ms)",
"Inputs are wired pull up": "Les entrées sont câblées vers le haut",
"Label": "Étiquette",
"Memory": "Mémoire",
"Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.": "Le minimum recommandé est de 2 s. Réglez sur zéro pour désactiver l'interrogation.",
"Network": "Réseau",
"Poll": "Sondage",
"Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)": "Intervalle d'interrogation pour les appareils DHTxx / AM23xx (ms)",
"Port": "Port",
"Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins.": "Les numéros de port concernent le canal SOC Broadcom, pas les broches physiques.",
"RPI-Monitor Adapter settings": "Paramètres de l'adaptateur RPI-Monitor",
"Raspberry": "Framboise",
"SDCard": "Carte SD",
"Swap": "Échanger",
"Temperature": "Température",
"Type": "Type",
"Uptime": "Temps de disponibilité",
"Raspberry": "Raspberry",
"Memory": "Memory",
"Network": "Network",
"SDCard": "SD Card",
"Swap": "Swap",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"button": "Bouton avec clic, double-clic, appui long, etc.",
"in": "Entrée",
"out": "Sortie",
"MonitoringExplanation": "Sélectionnez les éléments à surveiller. Ils seront interrogés régulièrement et des États seront créés selon les besoins.",
"Monitoring": "Surveillance",
"GPIOs": "GPIO",
"GPIOConfigExplanation": "Ajoutez des configurations GPIO ici. Appuyez sur +, sélectionnez si entrée ou sortie et ainsi de suite. Les numéros de port concernent le canal Broadcom SOC et non les broches physiques. Pour les entrées, entrez un temps anti-rebond en millisecondes dans la colonne Anti-rebond / Sondage. Pour les capteurs de température DHT11/22, la valeur dans cette colonne sera l'intervalle d'interrogation.",
"pullupwarning": "AVERTISSEMENT : Pull up / Pull down n'est pas vraiment pris en charge actuellement. Cela devrait être le cas dans le futur, mais cela ne l’a jamais été dans le passé. Assurez-vous de ne rien casser.",
"GPIO Number": "Numéro GPIO",
"Type": "Taper",
"in": "Saisir",
"out": "Sortir",
"outhigh": "Sortie, valeur initiale 1",
"outlow": "Sortie, valeur initiale 0"
"outlow": "Sortie, valeur initiale 0",
"DHT11": "Capteur de température et d'humidité DHT11",
"DHT22": "Capteur de température et d'humidité DHT22/AM23xx",
"Debounce / Poll (ms)": "Anti-rebond / Sondage (ms)",
"Pull Up": "Tirer vers le haut",
"Pull Down": "Abattre",
"Label": "Étiquette",
"GPIOVauleERRORText": "Erreur : Le numéro GPIO ne doit pas être vide, doit être unique et compris entre 2 et 27."
50 changes: 23 additions & 27 deletions admin/i18n/it/translations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
"Button debounce period (ms)": "Periodo antirimbalzo pulsante (ms)",
"Button double click period (ms)": "Periodo di doppio clic del pulsante (ms)",
"Button long press period (ms)": "Periodo di pressione prolungata del pulsante (ms)",
"Buttons are wired pull up": "I pulsanti sono cablati pull up",
"CPU": "Processore",
"Enable": "Abilitare",
"Enabled": "Abilitato",
"GPIOs": "GPIO",
"Input debounce period (ms)": "Periodo antirimbalzo ingresso (ms)",
"Inputs are wired pull up": "Gli ingressi sono cablati pull up",
"Label": "Etichetta",
"Memory": "Memoria",
"Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.": "Il minimo consigliato è di 2 secondi. Impostare a zero per disabilitare il polling.",
"Network": "Rete locale",
"Poll": "Sondaggio",
"Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)": "Intervallo di polling per dispositivi DHTxx / AM23xx (ms)",
"Port": "Porta",
"Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins.": "I numeri di porta si riferiscono al canale SOC Broadcom, non ai pin fisici.",
"RPI-Monitor Adapter settings": "Impostazioni dell'adattatore RPI-Monitor",
"CPU": "CPU",
"Raspberry": "Raspberry",
"SDCard": "Scheda SD",
"Swap": "Scambiare",
"Temperature": "Temperatura",
"Type": "Genere",
"Uptime": "Tempo di attività",
"Memory": "Memory",
"Network": "Network",
"SDCard": "SD Card",
"Swap": "Swap",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"button": "Pulsante con clic, doppio clic, pressione prolungata, ecc.",
"MonitoringExplanation": "Seleziona quali elementi monitorare. Saranno sottoposti a votazioni su base regolare e gli stati verranno creati secondo necessità.",
"Monitoring": "Monitoraggio",
"GPIOs": "GPIO",
"GPIOConfigExplanation": "Aggiungi le configurazioni GPIO qui. Premere su +, selezionare se ingresso o uscita e così via. I numeri di porta si riferiscono al canale SOC Broadcom, non ai pin fisici. Per gli input inserire un tempo di antirimbalzo in millisecondi nella colonna Antirimbalzo/Poll. Per i sensori di temperatura DHT11/22, il valore in quella colonna sarà l'intervallo di poll.",
"pullupwarning": "ATTENZIONE: Pull up/Pull down non è attualmente supportato. Dovrebbe essere nel futuro, ma non lo è mai stato nel passato. Assicurati di non rompere nulla.",
"GPIO Number": "Numero GPIO",
"Type": "Tipo",
"in": "Ingresso",
"out": "Uscita",
"out": "Produzione",
"outhigh": "Uscita, valore iniziale 1",
"outlow": "Uscita, valore iniziale 0"
"outlow": "Uscita, valore iniziale 0",
"DHT11": "Sensore di temperatura e umidità DHT11",
"DHT22": "Sensore di temperatura e umidità DHT22/AM23xx",
"Debounce / Poll (ms)": "Rimbalzo/Poll (ms)",
"Pull Up": "Tirati su",
"Pull Down": "Tirare giù",
"Label": "Etichetta",
"GPIOVauleERRORText": "Errore: il numero GPIO non deve essere vuoto, deve essere univoco e compreso tra 2 e 27."
50 changes: 23 additions & 27 deletions admin/i18n/nl/translations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
"Button debounce period (ms)": "Knop debounce-periode (ms)",
"Button double click period (ms)": "Knop dubbelklikperiode (ms)",
"Button long press period (ms)": "Knop lang indrukken (ms)",
"Buttons are wired pull up": "Knopen zijn bedraad omhoog te trekken",
"CPU": "CPU",
"Enable": "Inschakelen",
"Enabled": "Ingeschakeld",
"GPIOs": "GPIOs",
"Input debounce period (ms)": "Invoer debounce-periode (ms)",
"Inputs are wired pull up": "Ingangen zijn bedraad pull-up",
"Label": "Label",
"Memory": "Geheugen",
"Minimum recommended is 2s. Set to zero to disable polling.": "Minimaal aanbevolen is 2 sec. Stel in op nul om polling uit te schakelen.",
"Network": "Netwerk",
"Poll": "poll",
"Polling interval for DHTxx/AM23xx devices (ms)": "Polling-interval voor DHTxx / AM23xx-apparaten (ms)",
"Port": "Haven",
"Port numbers relate to Broadcom SOC channel, not physical pins.": "Poortnummers hebben betrekking op het Broadcom SOC-kanaal, niet op fysieke pinnen.",
"RPI-Monitor Adapter settings": "RPI-Monitor Adapter-instellingen",
"Raspberry": "Framboos",
"SDCard": "SD-kaart",
"Swap": "ruil",
"Temperature": "Temperatuur",
"Type": "Type",
"Raspberry": "Raspberry",
"Memory": "Memory",
"Network": "Network",
"SDCard": "SD Card",
"Swap": "Swap",
"Temperature": "Temperature",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"button": "Knop met klikken, dubbelklikken, lang indrukken, etc.",
"in": "Ingang",
"out": "Uitgang",
"MonitoringExplanation": "Selecteer welke elementen u wilt monitoren. Zij zullen op regelmatige basis worden ondervraagd en indien nodig zullen er staten worden opgericht.",
"Monitoring": "Toezicht",
"GPIOs": "GPIO's",
"GPIOConfigExplanation": "Voeg hier GPIO-configuraties toe. Druk op +, selecteer of invoer of uitvoer enzovoort. Poortnummers hebben betrekking op het Broadcom SOC-kanaal, niet op fysieke pinnen. Voer voor invoer een debouncetijd in milliseconden in de kolom Debounce / Poll in. Voor DHT11/22-temperatuursensoren is de waarde in die kolom het poll-interval.",
"pullupwarning": "WAARSCHUWING: Pull up / Pull down wordt momenteel niet echt ondersteund. Het zou in de toekomst moeten gebeuren, maar dat is in het verleden nooit zo geweest. Zorg ervoor dat je niets kapot maakt.",
"GPIO Number": "GPIO-nummer",
"Type": "Type",
"in": "Invoer",
"out": "Uitvoer",
"outhigh": "Uitgang, beginwaarde 1",
"outlow": "Uitgang, beginwaarde 0"
"outlow": "Uitgang, beginwaarde 0",
"DHT11": "DHT11 temperatuur- en vochtigheidssensor",
"DHT22": "DHT22/AM23xx temperatuur- en vochtigheidssensor",
"Debounce / Poll (ms)": "Debounce/peiling (ms)",
"Pull Up": "Trek omhoog",
"Pull Down": "Trek naar beneden",
"Label": "Label",
"GPIOVauleERRORText": "Fout: GPIO-nummer mag niet leeg zijn, moet uniek zijn en tussen 2 en 27 liggen."

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