A list of free shops around the world
A free shop is a shop where everything is free. Givers donate things to the shop, usually because they want to get rid of them, whereas takers can take anything in the shop for free.
Do you run a freeshop? Do you know an active freeshop? Send me the info to [email protected] and I'll add it to the list.
- 🕐 Monday, Thursday, Friday (15-20h).
- ✉️ Zentagasse 26 (Viena).
- 🔗 http://www.kostnixladen.at/
⚠️ List of banned items (see web).
- 🕐 Third Saturday of every month (13.30-15.30h).
- ✉️ On the steps of the church, next to Cafe Belga. Ixelles (Brussels).
- 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/mgratuitbxl
- 🕐 Summer: Thursday-Sunday (9-13h), Winter: Friday-Sunday (9-13h).
- ✉️ 3600 Central Rd (Hornby Island).
- 🔗 http://www.hirra.ca/recycle/
- 🕐 Every other Saturday (10-12h).
- ✉️ Frederiksø 2 (Svendborg).
- 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/freeshopsvendborg
⚠️ No second-hand underpants, VHS movies, big furniture & food to be refrigerated.
- 🕐 Tuesday (9-12h), Wednesday (9-12h), Friday (14-17h).
- ✉️ 103 rue Vauban (Mulhouse).
- 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/Magasin-pour-Rien-100847306691801
- 🕐 Monday (10-12h), Thursday (14-18h), Saturday (12-16h).
- ✉️ Behind Mehrgenerationenhaus, Heinrich-Fuchs-Straße 83 (Heidelberg-Rohrbach).
- 🔗 https://umsonstladenheidelberg.wordpress.com
- 🕐 Closed for renovation.
- ✉️ Second house on the right next to the supermarket "Kaufland" towards Sternplatz (Tübingen).
- 🔗 https://lu15.de/umsonstladen
- 🕐 Tuesday (16-19h), Wednesday (11-14h), Thursday (16-19h), Friday (16-19h), Saturday (12-16h).
- ✉️ Zwerggasse 4 am Maxplatz (Bamberg).
- 🔗 http://mosaik-bamberg.de
- 🕐 Wednesday (16-23h), Saturday (12-19h).
- ✉️ Schellingstr. 6 (Tübingen).
- 🔗 http://www.schellingstrasse.de/index.php?id=436
- 🕐 Thursay (17-20h).
- ✉️ Basler Straße 103 (Freiburg).
- 🔗 http://www.kts-freiburg.org/spip/spip.php?article178
- 🕐 Wednesday (17-20h), Saturday (14-19h).
- ✉️ Frühlingstr. 17 (Kempten).
- 🔗 https://react.or.ke/umsonstladen
⚠️ List of banned items (see web).
- 🕐 Thursday (19-22h).
- ✉️ Viktoriastrasse 12, rear building (Karlsruhe).
- 🔗 http://umsonstflohmarktka.blogsport.de
- 🕐 Tuesday (18-20h, bringers only), Saturday (9-11h), Saturday (11-13h, bringers only).
- ✉️ Rothenburger Straße 51a (Nürnberg).
- 🔗 http://www.umsonstladen-nuernberg.de
⚠️ No computer monitors and no home-recorded cassettes, video cassettes, CDs or DVDs.
- 🕐 Tuesday (20-22h).
- ✉️ Albstr. 78 (Reutlingen).
- 🔗 https://kulturschock-zelle.de/umsonstladen/
⚠️ No space for large items.
- 🕐 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (13-17h).
- ✉️ Tropic 118 3813 BC (Amersfoort).
- 🔗 http://www.weggeefwinkelamersfoort.nl
⚠️ Up to 5 items per week.
- 🕐 Wednesday (17-20h), Saturday (10-14h).
- ✉️ Mellomila 63, 7018 (Trondheim).
- 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/teogtoy
- 🕐 All day.
- ✉️ Plaza de Nelson Mandela (ex Cabestreros), Lavapiés (Madrid).
- 🔗 http://www.csroaquimera.org/tienda-gratis
- 🕐 Sunday. 10-12h.
- ✉️ C/ Madre de Dios, 13 (Logroño).
- 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/tiendagratislogrono
⚠️ Only 3 articles per person / month.
- 🕐 Wednesday (19.30-21h), Saturday (12-13h).
- ✉️ Espacio Temporal Juan José Martínez, C/ López Salcedo, 13 1º (Soria).
- 🔗 http://agendasocialdesoria.com/team/tienda-gratis-de-soria
- 🕐 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. 18-20h.
- ✉️ C/ Embajadores, 53 (Madrid).
- 🔗 http://blogs.latabacalera.net/costura/tienda-gratis/.
⚠️ Clothes only.
- 🕐 Monday-Friday (8-12h) and (13-17h).
- ✉️ 701 Warren Wilson Rd, Swannanoa (NC).
- 🔗 http://inside.warren-wilson.edu/~recycle/freestore.php