Smartwatch Component - External Repository
Machine Learning Component - External Repository
Mobile Component
For the moment, the system needs to be deployed on the personal smartphone using Android Studio. After the deployment, it is required the Smartwatch Component on the personal smartwatch.
In the future, it may be available on the Android Store.
The objective of this system is to properly detect falling, which is the most common injury sustained by the elderly. This system aims to offer a classifier built on a portable system which is able to detect the wearer’s falls. A companion able to announce the accidents will decrease the risk of medical complication as the time passes without help.
We built the entire system with portability in mind, so it can be available for a large number of users by using only smartwatch and the personal phone. For the current prototype, we have used a Fitbit smartwatch but it can be ported on different devices with similar architecture.
We transfer the samples gathered from watch’s accelerometer to the phone, where, using a machine learning based classifier, we process the data. In the event of falling, the owner can confirm the accident, if he is able to do so, or after a short period of time, the system can send an emergency call automatically. The link between components does not need Internet connectivity so it can be available anywhere and at any time.
Our system provides the following features:
Local fall detection based on machine learning classifier
trained to distinguish fall from daily activities.
Wearable and smartphone integration
test data are collected from the smartwatch and sent for classification to the smartphone
Wearable notification upon classification
if a fall was detected, the wearer is asked on the smartwatch if he/she is alright
Possibility to integrate emergency calling
- upon watch notification confirmation or expiring the allocated 10 seconds, the system can send an emergency call.
Designing a multi-platform solution, we have split the system in three main components: Smartwatch Component, Mobile Component and Machine Learning Component.
Smartwatch Component represents the data acquisition layer implemented for Fitbit devices using the Fitbit SDK and tools. It consists of two components: the Application one that uses Fitbit's Device API to collect motion sensor data and the Companion one, which receives the data from the Application and runs inside the mobile Fitbit application.
Mobile Component represents our Android application installed on the smartphone. We have based it on a WebSocket server which communicates with the Companion and the built-in Machine Learning Component. In this application we are processing and extracting the required features for the classifier.
Machine Learning Component represents the Support Vector Machine Classifier. Using it, we extract the features needed to mark an action as a fall or a normal daily activity.
All these components are communicating with each other with the purpose to detect if the wearer had a fall. The system does not require Internet connection to function after installation or other widgets apart from the smartphone and the smartwatch. The communication between the smartwatch application and the companion is over Bluetooth and uses the available messaging APIs provided by Fitbit SDK. The companion and the Android application will communicate via WebSocket messages. These messages are sent locally between the Fitbit app and the server hosted on the same mobile device.
As the system core, we built the Mobile Component. It contains the classifier which is handling with the fall detection, and all the main processing components. It was designed to support the entire flow without any external processing or intervention, for portability purposes. We integrated it for the Android platform and is communicating with the Fitbit Companion. It also incorporate the machine learning component which is handling the classification. This structure focuses on the availability.
As we mentioned before, the current architecture of smartphones is very powerful and able to sustain lite machine learning algorithms without problems. There is no need of external communication, all being available locally using internal links and Bluetooth connection for the smartwatch. Furthermore, the entire flow has low latency, which is 5 seconds, being essential for a time sensitive application like this.
We built this component as an Android application. It contains the server which communicates with the Fitbit Companion and the Machine Learning Component.
The server is an WebSocket server based on TooTallNate's Java implementation. We chose this type of server to match the already implemented system of the Fitbit devices. Once started, the server listens on the localhost address on a designated port for all the incoming messages and connections. It receives the accelerometer data from the smartwatch, passes it to the Machine Learning Component and sends back the classification to the wearable device.
In the current state, the server can be opened and closed from the user interface, notifying the connected clients. From a software point of view, binding a socket to the same port in the same thread is not possible. To do so, we had to create e mechanism which will close and clear the current server thread and initiate a new one. This is required in order to keep a static address:port pair which is known to all the clients, keeping the structure as simple as possible. The mechanism was created with an internal Singleton because it is necessary to get in touch with an active server upon application restoration.
For the mobile application we implemented a simple view dedicated for the user, all the functions and processing being available in the back-end. It contains two buttons from which we can start and stop the server and a debug panel. The panel represents the most of the view containing all the needed notifications: when the client is connecting or disconnecting, the result of the classification and link tests.
Machine Learning Component is already integrated in the mobile application. More details of the implementation can be found at the following repository - Machine Learning Component.
Smartwatch Component represents an external application which can be found at the following repository - Smartwatch Component.
The main idea behind the system is to gather acceleration data from the smartwatch during the day. In 10 seconds intervals, these values are pre-parsed and packed in the smartwatch and sent to the Fitbit Companion installed in the smartphone. Upon receiving all the required data, we send them to the server. There are parsed and prepared for the classification. The classifier is receiving the parsing data and classifies the input as Fall or as Daily Action. This result is transferred to the wearer smartwatch. If the result marks an actual fall, the wearer is asked for confirmation. If confirmed or the time expires, the smartwatch can send an alert message to emergency contacts.
We built the mobile component compatible with at least Android API 26 - Android 8.0 (Oreo). It was necessary due to compatibility of WebSocket module used for the server. It was successfully tested on a Samsung Galaxy S10e built with Android 10.
The smartwatch application is built and tested on a Fitbit Versa watch with the version. The software is compatible with all the Fitbit smartwatches upon small modifications over the graphical interface and physical button shortcuts.
During the development phase, the entire system was subject to various stress tests.
We let the server from the mobile component active for approximately seven hours while testing the entire flow. In this time, the application was minimised, resized and rotated from the smartwatch to check if the link with the processing thread is kept active. Also, we blocked the smartphone or used it for different applications resulting that the application is built without bugs or errors.
The smartwatch component was tested as well. We checked all the possible flows, testing if the application will respond properly even if the requirement are not fulfilled, E.g.: Starting the classifier test even if we are not connected to the server will result a warning notification.
Although the application has great features, the system requires adjustments and has room for additional improvements. It represents a great starting point in this needed domain, having an important applicability and not many implementations.
For the moment, there is a major difference in the trained models from the classifier and the offered data from the watch's accelerometer. Due to privacy reasons, Fitbit is not offering owned datasets or access to the users data to third party applications and creating a consistent dataset for this domain represents a hard-working process and mostly, a time consuming one. We weren't able to create one and as replacement, we tried to use similar ones but with great cost in accuracy. The current classifier is not able to detect an actual fall because it was not trained with similar data. Even if we tested with multiple datasets and checked the correctness of the algorithm, we are not able to detect a fall with the data gathered from our accelerometer. As a result, this will be the main functionality which needs the primary focus as a future development.
Looking at the battery consumption, a permanent running cycle of classifications will end pretty quickly the battery life. To minimize this problem, we can built in the smartwatch component a threshold based detection. With it, we can initialize the classification flow only if the accelerometer data will pass implemented threshold value. This warning will mark a suspicious action from the wearer, creating a good reason to check the data with the classifier. In this way, fewer actions will pass through the entire classification flow, reducing power consumption.
As another feature for the classifier, we can create a storing module which will save all the detected falls or daily actions which passed the threshold. After a number of stored samples, the package can be sent to a web server where we can update the existing classifier model with them to actively improve future classifications. Actively upgrading the machine learning algorithm with samples from all the users, will offer a huge leap towards strong classifying results.
A great future feature for which we already prepared the system will be the possibility to send an emergency call upon fall detection. The current implementation already have prepared the flow to trigger the feature from the Fall Notification. This component will require a menu from where the user will be able to add emergency contacts and a link with the Phone Call module. As an expansion to the idea, we can build an accessible menu in the smartwatch from where the wearer will be able to send an emergency call in case of a not detected accident.