Version : 1.0
Released on july 2013
Stop Form Spam helps fighting against form spam. It uses the spam database from :
- Copy the folder "Sfs" into the "/modules" folder of your Ionize installation.
- In the ionize backend, go to : Modules > Administration
- Click on "install"
- Reload the backend panel
- Setup the module
- In the setup field "Event", set one event, for example "Myform.register.check"
- Create one custom registration form, by editing /themes/your_theme/config/forms.php
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
$config['forms'] = array
// Register Form
'register' => array
// This will be the lib /themes/your_theme/libraries/Tagmanager/Register.php :
'process' => 'TagManager_Register::process_data',
* ...
* See documentation for form declaration details
'fields' => array
'firstname' => array(
'rules' => 'trim|required|xss_clean',
'label' => 'form_label_firstname',
'email' => array(
'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[5]|valid_email|xss_clean',
'label' => 'form_label_email',
'password' => array(
'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[4]|xss_clean',
// 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[4]|matches[password2]|xss_clean',
'label' => 'form_label_password',
'password2' => array(
'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[4]|xss_clean',
'label' => 'form_label_password_confirmation',
// If set to FALSE, ths field will not be saved to DB
'save' => FALSE,
- In the lib which processes your form data, fire the event you previously setup (in this case "Myform.register.check") : To do that, create the file /themes/your_theme/libraries/Tagmanager/Register.php :
class TagManager_Register extends TagManager
public static function process_data(FTL_Binding $tag)
if (TagManager_Form::validate('register'))
$post = self::$ci->input->post();
// Event::fire() returns an array (more than one method can be registered to the same event)
$results = Event::fire('Myform.register.check', $post);
$return = TRUE;
if (is_array($results))
foreach($results as $result)
if ( ! $result)
$return = FALSE;
// The user can register
if ( $return == TRUE)
// ... Register
// ... No registration
// ... But don't tell him... :-)