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Compliance Checker 4.0.0

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@Bobfrat Bobfrat released this 13 Apr 19:41

Compliance Checker 4.0.0 release includes an overhaul of the output results and some bug fixes. For details of the scoring design discussions, please refer to this issue: #37.

Compliance Checker Output Updates:

  • Removal of the scoring section for each output format. Left with only the corrective actions based on the criteria level passed in
  • High, Medium, Low Priority headers have been replaced with the terminology for each check (i.e. Highly Recommended, Recommended, and Suggested for ACDD)
  • Added ability to concatenate results from many input files into a single output file
  • Added ability to export multiple formats (html, text, json) in one run
  • Removed concept of score grouping which had unexpected scoring consequences

Development driven by the Version 4.0.0 Milestone

Bug Fixes:

  • Accessing OpenDAP on ESGF thredds services #539
  • CF dimension order check incorrect for some dimensions #535
  • Case sensitivity for featureType #461
  • CF duplicate axis check fails incorrectly #562
  • CF Checker records omission of “reference” global attribute as an error #510